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Azure WebJob DWAS文件访问被拒绝

[英]Azure WebJob DWASFiles access denied

I have 2 Azure websites running (Live and Staging), each with a continuous WebJob that processes documents uploaded to the site. 我有2个Azure网站正在运行(实时和暂存),每个网站都有一个连续的WebJob,用于处理上载到该站点的文档。 Nothing has been added/changed on the live site for a few weeks. 几周之内,实时站点上都没有添加/更改任何内容。 So this issue has come out of the blue entirely. 因此,这个问题完全是突然出现的。

In the WebJob we read files from App_Data for the website, analyse and store them to a database. 在WebJob中,我们从App_Data中读取网站的文件,对其进行分析并将其存储到数据库中。 No additional file writes take place. 不会进行其他文件写入。 Some time in the last week the WebJobs started failing with: 上周的某个时间,WebJobs开始失败,原因是:

Unhandled Exception: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\\DWASFiles\\Sites' is denied. 未处理的异常:System.UnauthorizedAccessException:拒绝访问路径“ C:\\ DWASFiles \\ Sites”。

I can't see anyone else who's got a similar issue that's occurred recently. 我看不到其他最近遇到类似问题的人。 So I'm a little stumped! 所以我有点难过!

My Solution As I couldn't find any resources describing what to do or what had changed in Azure. 我的解决方案因为找不到任何资源来描述在Azure中要做什么或发生了什么变化。 I went along a different route and extracted the WebJob logic into a Hangfire task. 我走了另一条路,将WebJob逻辑提取到Hangfire任务中。 (hangfire.io - a fantastic task runner) (hangfire.io-出色的任务运行器)

Not sure if that will help anyone else. 不确定是否会帮助其他人。 But it solved my issues. 但这解决了我的问题。

Try using D:\\home\\site\\wwwroot\\ to point to your wwwroot directory. 尝试使用D:\\ home \\ site \\ wwwroot \\指向您的wwwroot目录。 Azure Websites remaps the root directory to be used with D:\\Home Azure网站重新映射要与D:\\ Home一起使用的根目录

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