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[英]Semantic ui sidebar implementation

Hello how do i implement the sidebar from semantic ui? 您好我如何从语义ui实现侧边栏? I would like to use the first example on the list. 我想使用列表中的第一个示例。

http://semantic-ui.com/modules/sidebar.html#/definition http://semantic-ui.com/modules/sidebar.html#/definition

I tried copy-pasting the whole div section and putting it on my html For the javascript(? not really sure), the 我试着复制粘贴整个div部分并把它放在我的html上对于javascript(?不是很确定),


i tried putting it on button onclick , and function then using href to call but sidebar is not showing.. what am i doing wrong 我试着把它放在按钮onclick上,然后使用href来调用但侧边栏没有显示..我做错了什么

You have to include the jQuery library in the <head></head> section of your page: 您必须在页面的<head></head>部分中包含jQuery库:

<script language="javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>

And the semantic.js file: semantic.js文件:

<script language="javascript" src="[your path here]/semantic.js"></script>

Which you have to download from: 您必须从以下网址下载:

http://semantic-ui.com/ http://semantic-ui.com/

(It's located inside the folder dist. Copy that file in the desire location and populate src with the right path) (它位于文件夹dist内。将该文件复制到所需位置并使用正确的路径填充src


<script language="javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" src="[your path here]/semantic.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function() {


When you add jQuery to your project you can trigger your sidebar by adding this code to your .js file: 当您将jQuery添加到项目中时,可以通过将此代码添加到.js文件来触发侧栏:

$('.element.to.trigger.sidebar').on('click', function () {

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