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[英]Create modal popup in NetSuite

I have a requirement to show modal popup on in netsuite on button click. 我需要在按钮单击时在netsuite中显示模式弹出窗口。 currently I open a window using client script 目前,我使用客户端脚本打开一个窗口

var url =  nlapiResolveURL('SUITELET','customscript_id','customdeploy_id',null);

Now I want to make this window as modal popup to prevent accessing the parent window. 现在,我想将此窗口设为模式弹出窗口,以防止访问父窗口。 Please help. 请帮忙。

You'll need to use existing solutions like Bootsrap or Jquery UI's Modal Window . 您需要使用现有的解决方案,例如Bootsrap或Jquery UI的Modal Window

If you want to be more elegant and avoid dependencies, you can create your own light implementation. 如果您想要更优雅并且避免依赖,则可以创建自己的light实现。 Please, refer to how to make window.open pop up Modal? 请参考如何使window.open弹出Modal?

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