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使用Web.API v.1和EF6运行Breeze吗?

[英]Run Breeze with Web.API v.1 and EF6?

I am looking at implementing Breeze into one of my web projects. 我正在考虑将Breeze实施到我的一个Web项目中。 Currently, the client has set up their project to run under MVC4 and Web.API v.1 with an Entity Framework 6 backend. 当前,客户端已将其项目设置为在带有Entity Framework 6后端的MVC4和Web.API v.1下运行。

Looking at the Breeze web site, the instructions talk about running with Web.API v.1 and EF 4 or 5, or using Web.API v.2 and EF 6, but not my scenario. 在Breeze网站上,这些说明谈论的是与Web.API v.1和EF 4或5一起运行,或与Web.API v.2和EF 6一起运行,而不是我的方案。

Is it possible to run in this config or do I HAVE to run Web.API v.2 to get things to work correctly? 是否可以在此配置中运行,或者我是否必须运行Web.API v.2才能正常工作?

Sorry but we have made no effort to make that particular combination work and are unlikely to try. 抱歉,我们没有做出任何努力来使这种特定的组合有效,并且不太可能尝试。 The possible MS technology combinations are endless. 可能的MS技术组合是无止境的。 We live in DLL hell as it is and we can only support what we perceive to be the main paths. 我们生活在DLL地狱中,我们只能支持我们认为是主要路径的东西。

However, Breeze is all open source and you are welcome to try it yourself. 但是,Breeze都是开源的,欢迎您自己尝试。 The source code is in the repo. 源代码在存储库中。 Have at it. 吃吧

Personally, I would try to persuade your client that moving to Web API v2 is a necessity. 就个人而言,我会说服您的客户,迁移到Web API v2是必要的。

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