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[英]How to Evict less frequently used cache region periodicly?

According to this Ehcache_Configuration_Guide.pdf 根据此Ehcache_Configuration_Guide.pdf

How Configuration Affects Element Flushing and Eviction 配置如何影响元素冲洗和逐出
The following example shows a cache with certain expiration seings: 以下示例显示了具有某些到期时间设置的缓存:
<cache name="myCache"
eternal="false" timeToIdleSeconds="3600"
timeToLiveSeconds="0" memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LFU">
Note the following about the myCache configuration: 请注意有关myCache配置的以下内容:
If a client accesses an entry in myCache that has been idle for more than an hour timeToIdleSeconds), that element is evicted. 如果客户端访问myCache中已闲置一个小时以上的条目timeToIdleSeconds,则该元素将被驱逐。
If an entry expires but is not accessed, and no resource constraints force eviction, then the expired entry remains in place until a periodic evictor removes it. 如果条目过期但未被访问,并且没有资源约束强制驱逐,则过期的条目将保留在原处,直到定期驱逐者将其删除为止。

I didn't find any exemple of how to configure the eviction periodicly, 我没有发现如何定期配置驱逐的任何示例,

is it configurable? 它是可配置的吗? or it must be hard-coded for hibernate? 还是必须对它进行硬编码才能进入休眠状态?

According to this page ExpiryTaskExtension.java There is no default schedular for time eviction in ehCache 根据此页面, ExpiryTaskExtension.java在ehCache中没有默认的时间表来驱逐时间

import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;

public class EhCacheExpiryTask {
    class ExpiryTask extends TimerTask{
        public void run() {
            for (CacheManager manager : CacheManager.ALL_CACHE_MANAGERS) {
                for (String name : manager.getCacheNames()) {
    private Timer timer;
    private long period;
    private ExpiryTask expiryTask;
    public EhCacheExpiryTask(long period){
        this.period = period;
        this.timer = new Timer();
    public void stop(){
    public void start(){
        expiryTask = new ExpiryTask();      
        timer.schedule(expiryTask, 10000, period);

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