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[英]@NotNull type annotation - Solrj

I have solr schema where almost every field is required=true. 我有solr模式,几乎每个字段都必须为true。

I am using following POJO to persist data in solr 我正在使用以下POJO将数据持久存储在solr中

@Field(value = "id")
private String id;

@Field(value = "entity_id")
private Long entityId;

Now before sending it to solr, I am currently checking explicitly each field for null. 现在,在将其发送到solr之前,我目前正在明确检查每个字段是否为null。
Is there any annotation like @NotNull or @Field attribute like required=true so that I need not to check them ? 是否有诸如@NotNull或@Field属性之类的注释,如required = true,这样我就不必检查它们了?

Unfortunately, I do not believe that SolrJ has this capability. 不幸的是,我不认为SolrJ具有此功能。 (Source - I looked at the source code. Field does not have this defined, nor are there other beans that might be useful.) (源-我查看了源代码。Field没有定义此字段,也没有其他可能有用的bean。)

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