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[英]Prolog Programming List Arithmetic

Here is my code to make a countdown procedure which when I type in countdown(5,L). 这是我进行倒数计时的代码,当我输入countdown(5,L). should return L = [5,4,3,2,1] and countdown(5,[5,4,3,2,1]) should return true . 应该返回L = [5,4,3,2,1]countdown(5,[5,4,3,2,1])应该返回true

The input countdown(5,L). 输入countdown(5,L). returns 回报

ERROR: is/2: Type error: []' expected, found [5,4]' ("x" must hold one character) 错误:is / 2:类型错误: []' expected, found [5,4]'(“ x”必须包含一个字符)

which shows me my program is beginning to create the list. 这说明我的程序正在开始创建列表。

countdown(A,L) :-
    L is List.

makeList(X,Y,List) :-
    N1 is Y-1,
    N1 > 0,
    List is Z,


Why so difficult? 为什么这么难?

countdown(1, [1]).
countdown(N, [N|T]) :-
    N1 is N-1,
    countdown(N1, T).

Some comments on your code: 关于您的代码的一些注释:

  • countdown/2 , clause 2, line 1: countdown/2 ,第2条,第1行:

    concat([],[A],Z) is completely unnecessary. concat([],[A],Z)完全没有必要。 At the end of this exercise, Z is unified with [A] . 在本练习的最后, Z[A]统一。

  • countdown/2 , clause 2, line 3:** countdown/2 ,第2条,第3行:**

    As was pointed out, is/2 evaluates the right hand term as an arithmetic expression and unifies the result with the left-hand side. 如所指出的, is/2将右手项作为算术表达式求值,并将结果与​​左手统一。 This should be L = List . 这应该是L = List

    Even better, just change the line above from makeList(Z,A,List) to makeList(Z,A,L) . 更好的是,将上面的行从makeList(Z,A,List)更改为makeList(Z,A,L)

But this is overly complicated. 但这过于复杂。 If one was to take your general approach, you could do it thusly: 如果要采用一般方法,则可以这样做:

count_down(N,L) :- % To count down to 1 from N,
  integer(N) ,     % N must first be integral
  N > 0 ,          % and positive
  range(N,1,L).    % Then you just need to generate the desired range.

range/3 could be implemented simply as this: range/3可以这样简单地实现:

range( X , Y , [X]    ) :- X = Y .
range( X , Y , [X|Xs] ) :- X > Y , X1 is X-1 , range(X1,Y,Xs) .
range( X , Y , [X|Xs] ) :- X < Y , X1 is X+1 , range(X1,Y,Xs) .

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