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[英]function set value for another function

How can I make the functions 我该如何做功能

def InputName():
    Name = input("Name: ")
def InputCourseName():
    CourseName = input("Course: ")

set the Name and CourseName for me to use in: 设置我要使用的名称和课程名称:

def Criacao(Name, CourseName):
    global Fonte, Output, CorTexto, Raw
    base = Image.open(Raw)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base)        
    draw.text((5,5), Name.upper(), font=Fonte, fill=CorTexto)
    draw.text((6,5), CourseName.upper(), font=Fonte, fill=CorTexto)

Would it work if I ran: Criacao(InputName(), InputCourseName()) ? 如果我运行了,它将起作用: Criacao(InputName(), InputCourseName())吗?

You should start using return 您应该开始使用return

def InputName():
    name = input("Name: ")
    return name

def InputCourseName():
    courseName = input("Course: ")
    return courseName

Then you can use the returned values to assign to local variables 然后,您可以使用返回的值分配给局部变量

def Criacao():
    name = InputName()               # We are using the returned values here
    courseName = InputCourseName()
    global Fonte, Output, CorTexto, Raw
    base = Image.open(Raw)
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(base)        
    draw.text((5,5), name.upper(), font=Fonte, fill=CorTexto)
    draw.text((6,5), courseName.upper(), font=Fonte, fill=CorTexto)

是的, 如果您从InputName()函数返回Name并从InputCourseName()函数返回CourseNameInputCourseName()起作用。

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