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[英]MemoryStream to BitmapImage

I am having a bit of a hard time converting MemoryStream into BitmapImage . 我很难将MemoryStream转换为BitmapImage There are a lot of questions on SO regarding similar situations, but after trying everything on them, I've been unable to fix this, so I turn to you. 上有很多问题SO关于类似的情况,但对他们的一切努力之后,我一直无法解决这个问题,让我转交给你。 Note that I'm working with Magick.NET (ImageMagick.NET) and Tessnet2 -- that is what some of that code is. 请注意,我正在使用Magick.NET (ImageMagick.NET)和Tessnet2这就是其中一些代码。

I use Bitmap class to do most of the work in Magick.NET and Tessnet2. 我使用Bitmap类在Magick.NET和Tessnet2中完成大部分工作。 BitmapImage is used for displaying purposes. BitmapImage用于显示目的。

First, I load up the PDF and extract a cropped bitmap from its first page: 首先,我加载PDF并从其首页提取裁剪的位图:

public Task PdfToBmp(string path)
    return Task.Run(() =>
        using (var image = new MagickImage())

            var settings = new MagickReadSettings
                Density = new MagickGeometry(300, 300),
                FrameCount = 1

            image.Read(path, settings);
            image.Crop(new MagickGeometry(1850, 200, 600, 140));

            // ImageStream is a MemoryStream property.
            ImageStream = new MemoryStream();
            image.Write(ImageStream, MagickFormat.Bmp);
            ImageStream.Position = 0;

That is when I save the bitmap into the MemoryStream . 那就是当我将位图保存到MemoryStream Once I have MemoryStream loaded up, I move onto working with it. 加载MemoryStream后,便开始使用它。 I instantiate a Bitmap , so that I may use it for Tessnet2 related work and then try to instantiate a BitmapImage . 我实例化了一个Bitmap ,以便可以将其用于Tessnet2相关的工作,然后尝试实例化一个BitmapImage

public Task DoOcr()
    if (ImageStream == null)
        return null;

    TargetImage = new Bitmap(ImageStream);
    ImageStream.Position = 0;

    // ----------------------- Problem Area ----------------------- //
    DisplayImage = new BitmapImage();
    DisplayImage.StreamSource = ImageStream;
    DisplayImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;

    // ------------------------------------------------------------ //

    return Task.Run(() =>
        var ocr = new Tesseract();
        ocr.Init("tessdata", "eng", false);
        var results = ocr.DoOCR(TargetImage, Rectangle.Empty);
        Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
            Results = new ObservableCollection<Word>(results);

This is where I'm having a problem. 这是我遇到的问题。 Without that DisplayImage block, the program runs fine and I just don't get the displayed image. 没有该DisplayImage块,该程序可以正常运行,而我只是无法获得显示的图像。 I'm even able to save the Bitmap ( TargetImage ) to a file with no problems. 我什至可以将BitmapTargetImage )保存到没有问题的文件中。 However, with the DisplayImage block, I get System.NullReferenceException : 但是,使用DisplayImage块,我得到System.NullReferenceException

System.NullReferenceException occurred
_message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Message=Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
     at System.Uri.CreateThisFromUri(Uri otherUri)

I'm unable to pinpoint where it occurs exactly, because the ImageStream object looks "fine" upon inspection. 我无法确切指出它的确切位置,因为经过检查, ImageStream对象看起来“很好”。 It contains data and is at position 0. If I try to close it, or do anything with it, after assigning it as the StreamSource to DisplayImage , I get a null exception on the line that attempts to perform such action. 它包含数据,并且位于位置0。如果将其分配为DisplayImageStreamSource后,尝试关闭它或对其执行任何操作,则在尝试执行此类操作的行上会得到一个null异常。 I even tried creating two different streams, to see if that's the problem; 我什至尝试创建两个不同的流,以查看是否是问题所在。 however, I was getting the exact same behavior. 但是,我得到了完全相同的行为。 Debugging this is kind of a pain, considering it doesn't point to any one specific line. 考虑到它并不指向任何特定的行,调试它是一种痛苦。 There's obviously an issue between this MemoryStream and BitmapImage . 在此MemoryStreamBitmapImage之间显然存在一个问题。 Could it be possible that there's some sort of format/conversion problem between the two, but not between MemoryStream and Bitmap in this particular situation? 在这种特殊情况下,两者之间是否可能存在某种格式/转换问题,而在MemoryStreamBitmap之间却没有?

I tried the file route, where I save MagickImage to a file and load it up into BitmapImage through Uri and it worked flawlessly; 我尝试了文件路由,将MagickImage保存到文件中,然后通过Uri其加载到BitmapImage ,并且运行正常。 however, I would like to be able to perform this in-memory. 但是,我希望能够在内存中执行此操作。 By the way, setting position to 0 on the MemoryStream did not seem to affect either Bitmap (loads properly) or BitmapImage (same exception). 顺便说一句,在MemoryStream上将position设置为0似乎不会影响Bitmap (正确加载)或BitmapImage (相同的异常)。

The temporary fix I currently use is to make DisplayImage a BitmapSource , rather than BitmapImage : 我当前使用的临时修复方法是将DisplayImageBitmapSource而不是BitmapImage

DisplayImage = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap(
    TargetImage.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, Int32Rect.Empty,
    BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(TargetImage.Width, TargetImage.Height));


image.ToBitmap().Save(ImageStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);

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