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[英]Merged records based on delimiter - Linux

Need to parse a file and to create a new file based on the following criterias: 需要解析文件并根据以下条件创建新文件:

this is the sample source data 这是样本源数据

TTTTT001:866:           $READ #R1         FILE (TEST-ACCOUNTS) LOGICAL               00085100
TTTTT001-867-            USING DESCRIPTOR (COMM-ACCOUNTS)                            00085200
TTTTT001-868-            STARTING FROM COMM-ACCOUNTS = WS-ACCT-KEY                   00085300
TTTTT001-869-            RECORD (TEST-ACCOUNTS) RELEASE(NO).                         00085400
TTTTT001-870-                                                                        00085500
TTTTT001-871-           IF NOT (LAST-RESPONSE-CODE = 0 OR 3)                         00085600
TTTTT001-872-             MOVE 122 TO ERROR-ABEND-CODE                               00085700
TTTTT001-873-             PERFORM ZT-ERROR.                                          00085800
TTTTT001:1018:           $READ #R3         FILE (TEST-ACCOUNTS)                       00100300
TTTTT001-1019-                              ISN (R1-ISN)                              00100400
TTTTT001-1020-                           RECORD (TEST-ACCOUNTS)                       00100500
TTTTT001-1021-                          RELEASE (NO) HOLD.                            00100600
TTTTT001-1022-                                                                        00100700
TTTTT001-1023-           IF LAST-RESPONSE-CODE NOT = 0                                00100800
TTTTT001-1024-              OR R3-ISN NOT = R1-ISN                                    00100900
TTTTT001-1025-             MOVE 122 TO ERROR-ABEND-CODE                               00101000

Looking to get the following 希望获得以下内容

  1. each section is identified by -- (results from the grep) 每个部分都由-标识(grep的结果)
  2. remove the numbers appears at the end of each line 删除每行末尾出现的数字
  3. remove the lines after the . 删除。 until the -- 直到 -
  4. merge the text starting from $READ until the . 合并从$ READ到的文本。 into a single line 成一行

So the output should be like this 所以输出应该是这样的

TTTTT001:1018:           $READ #R3         FILE (TEST-ACCOUNTS) ISN (R1-ISN) RECORD (TEST-ACCOUNTS) RELEASE (NO) HOLD.                    


sed -nr '/[T]+[0-9]+:/{:a;N;/\n--/{p;d;t};/\n.*\./{s/(.*) .*\n[^ ]+-(.*) .*/\1 \2/g;s/ +/ /g;p;d;t};s/(.*) .*\n[^ ]+-(.*) .*/\1 \2/g;s/ +/ /g; t a;}' FileName

Save the following code as sed.in and then sed -nr -f sed.in filename . 将以下代码另存为sed.in ,然后将sed -nr -f sed.in filename It works with you sample input on my Ubuntu14.04 with GNU sed version 4.2.2. 它与您一起在GNU sed 4.2.2版的Ubuntu14.04上使用示例输入。

I have add comment to this script in case you want to understand and modified it according to your own need. 如果您想根据自己的需要理解和修改它,我会在此脚本中添加注释。 Check this if you want to learn how to use sed. 如果您想学习如何使用sed,请选中复选框。

s/[ \t]*[0-9]*$//;h         # remove trailing number and space, then save it to hold space
:back                       # label
n                           # next line
s/[ \t]*[0-9]*$//           # remove trailing number and space
s/TTTTT[^ ]*[ \t]+(.*$)/\1/ # remove heading and spaces
/\.$/ !{                    # if it's not the line end with '.', append it to hold space
    bback                   # jump to label back
/\.$/ {                     # line end with '.'
    H                       # append
    :aa                     # label
    n                       # get next line
    /^--/ !baa              # if it's not line start with '--' skip it
    /^--/ {
        x                   # swap hold space and pattern space
        s/\n/ /g;p          # substitute \n with space and print it
        s/^.*$//            # empty pattern space
        x                   # swap space
        b                   # get into next cycle

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