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[英]What is the best approach to split an Arraylist based on their values

I would like to split an ArrayList that I am looping trough and set a field called active which can be true or false . 我想拆分一个我正在循环的ArrayList ,并设置一个名为active的字段,可以是truefalse But at the end of loop I would like to split this collection in two groups.. active = false and active = true , so doing this I won't need to search in database twice.. 但是在循环结束时,我想将这个集合分成两组.active active = falseactive = true ,所以这样做我不需要在数据库中搜索两次。

for example: 例如:

    private List<Classes> searchClasses(ClassItems listItems) {

    List<ClassItem> items = new ArrayList<ClassItem>();

    for (Iterator<ClassItem> iterator = listItems.getItems().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        ClassItems item = iterator.next();
        ClassEntityManager classEnt = ClassEntityManager.search(item.getId);

    return items;

What is the best approach to do this?? 这样做的最佳方法是什么?

Make two lists instead of one. 制作两个列表而不是一个。

if(classEnt.active()) {
} else {

Use two collections, one for actives and the other for not actives. 使用两个集合,一个用于活动,另一个用于非活动。

When you fetch the data from the DB, simply put the CalssItem in the correct list: 从数据库中获取数据时,只需将CalssItem放在正确的列表中:

private List<ClassItem> searchClasses(ClassItems listItems) {

    List<ClassItem> activeItems= new ArrayList<ClassItem>();
    List<ClassItem> notActiveItems= new ArrayList<ClassItem>();

    Iterator<ClassItem> i = listItems.getItems().iterator();
    while(i.hasNext()) { //This is a better approach.
        ClassEntityManager classEnt = ClassEntityManager.search(i.next().getId);

    List<ClassItem> ret = new ArrayList<ClassItem>(activeItems);
    return ret;

BUT, in this way, both activeItems and notActiveItems are unreacheable. 但是,通过这种方式, activeItemsnotActiveItems都是activeItems notActiveItems的。 Best thing to do is to have a loop outside your method that checks if the ClassItem is active or not. 最好的办法是方法之外设置一个循环来检查ClassItem是否处于活动状态。 In this way both activeItems and notActiveItems can be deleted from the method: 这样,可以从方法中删除activeItemsnotActiveItems

private List<ClassItem> searchClasses(ClassItems listItems) {

    List<ClassItem> items= new ArrayList<ClassItem>();

    Iterator<ClassItem> i = listItems.getItems().iterator();
    while(i.hasNext()) { //This is a better approach.
        ClassEntityManager classEnt = ClassEntityManager.search(i.next().getId);



    return items;

And to use the list: 并使用该列表:

List<ClassItem> items = searchClasses(classItems);
for(ClassItem item: items){
        //do something
        //do something else

Better yet is to use the magnificient and beautiful Java 8 Stream API: 更好的是使用华丽而美观的Java 8 Stream API:

List<ClassItem> active = items.stream().filter(x->x.isActive).collect(Collectors.toList());

List<ClassItem> notActive = items.stream().filter(x->!x.isActive).collect(Collectors.toList());

or the one liner: 或者一个班轮:

List<ClassItem> active = searchClasses(classItems).stream().filter(x->x.isActive).collect(Collectors.toList());

NOTES : 注意

Your code has a return type of List<Classes> , while the returned value is of List<ClassItem> . 您的代码的返回类型为List<Classes> ,而返回的值为List<ClassItem> Which is right? 哪个是对的?

Your iterator has a generic type of ClassItem while the next() method returns a ClassItems object. 您的迭代器具有泛型类型的ClassItemnext()方法返回ClassItems对象。 Which is right? 哪个是对的?

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