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在Instagram API中使用经度和纬度获取超过20张图像

[英]Using latitude and longitude in Instagram API for get more than 20 images

I am writing PHP code to get Instagram images on behalf of latitude and longitude in API. 我正在编写PHP代码以代表API中的经度和纬度获取Instagram图像。 But all time I am getting only 20 images. 但一直以来,我只得到20张图像。 Can any body help me to sort out this issue? 有谁可以帮我解决这个问题?

Here is the code: 这是代码:

 $client = new Zend_Http_Client('https://api.instagram.com/v1/media/search');
 $client->setParameterGet('client_id', $CLIENT_ID);
 $client->setParameterGet('lat', $_POST['lat']);
 $client->setParameterGet('lng', $_POST['long']);

Here is answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/21593420/423089 这是答案: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/21593420/423089

  • get the created_time of the last photo in api response. 获取API响应中最后一张照片的created_time

  • use the value as max_timestamp= in url param and make API call, this will give u next 20 images. 在url参数中使用max_timestamp=值并进行API调用,这将为您提供下20张图片。

Here is working example: http://gramfeed.com/instagram/map 这是工作示例: http : //gramfeed.com/instagram/map

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