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Active Record如何通过rails中的关联将记录添加到has_many:

[英]Active Record how to add records to has_many :through association in rails

I have quite the Problem with my has_many :through association. 我的has_many:through关联有很多问题。 The models look like this: 这些模型如下所示:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :roles
  has_many :datasets, through: :roles

class Role < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  belongs_to :dataset

class Dataset < ActiveRecord::Base
  has_many :roles
  has_many :users, through: :roles

I want to add a record to roles every time a new Dataset is created. 我想在每次创建新数据集时向角色添加一条记录。 It should be created with the new Dataset, an existing User 'Admin' and the column name of Role should be set to 'Admin'. 它应该使用新的数据集创建,现有用户“ Admin”和“角色”的列名应设置为“ Admin”。

I tried everything I found on Stackoverflow but nothing works for me. 我尝试了在Stackoverflow上找到的所有内容,但对我没有任何帮助。

My create method in the DatasetController looks this: 我在DatasetController中的 create方法如下所示:

def create
    @dataset = Dataset.new(dataset_params)
    @user = User.find_by(name: 'Admin')
    @dataset.users << @user
    #@dataset.roles.create(user: @user, dataset: @dataset, name: 'Admin')    

I tried both the << operator and the create method. 我尝试了<<操作符和create方法。

the first results in: 第一个结果是:

ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError in DatasetsController#create
unknown attribute: dataset_id

the second in: 第二个:

ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError in DatasetsController#create
can't write unknown attribute `user_id

Does anyone know why I get these errors? 有谁知道为什么我会收到这些错误?

my schema.rb: 我的schema.rb:

create_table "datasets", force: true do |t|
  t.string   "name"
  t.text     "description"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"

create_table "roles", force: true do |t|
  t.string   "name"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"

create_table "users", force: true do |t|
  t.string   "name"
  t.string   "mail"
  t.string   "password_digest"
  t.datetime "created_at"
  t.datetime "updated_at"

Your Role model needs columns to refer to which User and Dataset it belongs. 您的Role模型需要一些列来引用它所属的UserDataset Without these it has no idea who belongs to who. 没有这些,就不知道谁属于谁。

So you simply need to create a migration to add these columns: 因此,您只需要创建一个迁移即可添加以下列:

class AddRefererColumnsToRole < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    add_column :roles, :user_id, :integer
    add_column :roles, :dataset_id, :integer

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