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[英]how to update the source of x-editable of select2 type

Here is what i am trying http://jsfiddle.net/wQysh/347/ 这是我正在尝试的http://jsfiddle.net/wQysh/347/

JS : JS:

$.fn.editable.defaults.mode = 'inline';

var count = 4, sources = [];

for(var i = 1; i <= count; i++){
    sources.push({ id : i, text : 's-'+String(i) })

var getSource = function() {
    //i want this function must be called whenever available options is rendred. to ensure NO references issues, i used JSON.parse
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sources));

var getQuery = function(options){
    options.callback({ results : getSource() });

var getInitSel = function(multiple) {
    return function(el, cb){
        var t, toSet = [], sc = getSource();
            t = _.findWhere(sc, { id : Number(a.trim()) });
            if(t) toSet.push(t);
        cb(multiple ? toSet : (toSet.length ? toSet[0] : null));

    sources.push( {id : count, text : 's-'+String(count) });
    $('#username').editable('option', 'source', getSource()); //  <---------------- THIS LINE HAS NO EFFECT SO PRODUCING UNDESIRED RESULT
    //with above line, the source option should get updated and should be handing the new records to render. but nothing happens such.
    $('#username').editable('setValue', [1, count]);

$('#username').editable({  //to keep track of selected values in multi select
    type: 'select2',  
    url: '/post',
    autotext : 'always',
    source : getSource(),
    value : [1,2],
    emptytext: 'None',
    select2: {
        multiple : true,
        initSelection : getInitSel(true),
        query :getQuery

//ajax emulation. Type "err" to see error message
    url: '/post',
    responseTime: 400,
    response: function(settings) {
        if(settings.data.value == 'err') {
           this.status = 500;  
           this.responseText = 'Validation error!'; 
        } else {
           this.responseText = '';  

I am just trying to update the source option of editable element via a controller. 我只是想通过控制器更新可编辑元素的源选项。 But the view doesn't reflect the same. 但是视图并不能反映出相同的观点。

Any solution?? 任何解决方案?

just added display function with iDkey as 'id' 刚刚添加了显示功能,iDkey为“ id”

$('#username').editable({  //to keep track of selected values in multi select
    type: 'select2',  
    url: '/post',
    autotext : 'always',
    source : getSource(),
    value : [1,2],
    emptytext: 'None',
    display: function(value, sourceData) {
       //display checklist as comma-separated values
       var html = [],
           checked = $.fn.editableutils.itemsByValue(value, getSource(), 'id');  // it was needed to send 'id' as idKey otherwise it was fetching with value
       if(checked.length) {
           $.each(checked, function(i, v) { html.push($.fn.editableutils.escape(v.text)); });
           $(this).html(html.join(', '));
       } else {
    select2: {
        multiple : true,
        initSelection : getInitSel(true),
        query :getQuery

here is working code http://jsfiddle.net/wQysh/351/ 这是工作代码http://jsfiddle.net/wQysh/351/

Every time we 'setValue' to editable or on close event editable's 'display' function is called. 每当我们将“ setValue”设置为可编辑时,或在关闭事件时,都会调用可编辑的“显示”功能。

in display function existing values is checked by this function 在显示功能中,此功能会检查现有值


where the third parameter accepts the idKey. 其中第三个参数接受idKey。 If we do not provide third parameter while calling this function, it by default takes 'value' as idKey. 如果在调用此函数时未提供第三个参数,则默认情况下它将“值”作为idKey。 and 'value' as idKey should not be used when we are using to load array data. 当我们用来加载数组数据时,不应使用'value'作为idKey。 ref : http://ivaynberg.github.io/select2/#data_array . 参考: http : //ivaynberg.github.io/select2/#data_array

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