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[英]Why whois parsed output with python is not written to a text file?

I am writing the below python script to parse whois data for a list of domain names that I have in a separate file. 我正在编写以下python脚本来解析whois数据,以获取我在单独文件中拥有的域名列表。 Here is the script: 这是脚本:

from __future__ import print_function, division
import whois
from publicsuffix import PublicSuffixList

file = '/data/personal/Mae-git-domains.txt'
output = '/data/personal/whois-Mae.txt'

psl = PublicSuffixList()

f = open (file,'r')

for line in f:
    url = line.split('   ')[1]
    domain = url.split('http://')[1].split('/')[0]
        w =whois.whois(domain)
        results = domain,w.creation_date,w.expiration_date

        with open (output,'wb') as m:
#            print ("%s,%s,%s" % (domain,w.creation_date,w.expiration_date), file = m )
#            print >> m ,"%s|%s|%s" % (domain,w.creation_date,w.expiration_date)
#            m.write("{0},{0},{0}".format(domain,w.creation_date,w.expiration_date))

#            print ("%s,%s,%s" % (domain,[],[]), file = m )

It gets printed when I print it on the terminal but not when I am trying to either write or print it into a text file (the other printing/writing attempts are in the code as comments). 当我在终端上打印它时,它会被打印,但是当我尝试将其写入或打印到文本文件中时,它不会被打印(其他打印/写入尝试在代码中作为注释)。 Does any one have an idea why this is happening? 有谁知道为什么会这样吗?

要将其写入文本文件,可以使用m.write(str(results.text)) ,因为它的类型为unicode,因此您基本上需要强制将其作为字符串。

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