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[英]How to sum of squares of sum with memory limitations?

This is a follow up of this question: 这是此问题的后续措施:

How to do a sum of sums of the square of sum of sums? 如何做总和平方的总和?

Where I was asking for help to use einsum (to achieve a great speed increase) and got a great answer. 我在哪里寻求使用einsum的帮助(以实现更快的速度)并获得了一个很好的答案。

I also got a suggestion to use numba . 我也建议使用numba I've gone and tried both and it seems that after a certain point the speed increase in numba is much better. 我已经尝试了两者,似乎在达到某个点之后, numba的速度提高要好得多。

So how do you speed it up without running into memory issues? 那么,如何在不遇到内存问题的情况下加快速度呢?

The solution below presents the 3 different methods to do the simple sum of sums and 4 different methods to do the sum of squares. 下面的解决方案提出了3种不同的方法来进行简单的和,以及4种不同的方法来进行平方和。

sum of sums 3 methods - for loop, JIT for loops, einsum (none run into memory problems) 总和3种方法-循环,JIT循环,einsum(没有遇到内存问题)

sum of square of sums 4 methods - for loop, JIT for loops, expanded einsum, intermediate einsum 求和平方和的4种方法-循环,JIT循环,扩展einsum,中间einsum

Here the first three don't run into memory problems and the for loop and the expanded einsum run into speed problems. 在这里,前三个不会遇到内存问题,而for循环和扩展的einsum都会遇到速度问题。 This leaves the JIT solution seeming the best. 这使JIT解决方案看起来是最好的。

import numpy as np
import time
from numba import jit

def fun1(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B):
    Nu = Fu.shape[0]
    Nv = Fv.shape[0]
    Nx = Fx.shape[0]
    Ny = Fy.shape[0]
    Nk = Fu.shape[1]
    Nl = Fv.shape[1]
    I1 = np.zeros([Nu, Nv])
    for iu in range(Nu):
        for iv in range(Nv):
            for ix in range(Nx):
                for iy in range(Ny):
                    S = 0.
                    for ik in range(Nk):
                        for il in range(Nl):
                            S += Fu[iu,ik]*Fv[iv,il]*Fx[ix,ik]*Fy[iy,il]*P[ix,iy]*B[ik,il]
                    I1[iu, iv] += S
    return I1

def fun2(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B):
    Nu = Fu.shape[0]
    Nv = Fv.shape[0]
    Nx = Fx.shape[0]
    Ny = Fy.shape[0]
    Nk = Fu.shape[1]
    Nl = Fv.shape[1]
    I2 = np.zeros([Nu, Nv])
    for iu in range(Nu):
        for iv in range(Nv):
            for ix in range(Nx):
                for iy in range(Ny):
                    S = 0.
                    for ik in range(Nk):
                        for il in range(Nl):
                            S += Fu[iu,ik]*Fv[iv,il]*Fx[ix,ik]*Fy[iy,il]*P[ix,iy]*B[ik,il]
                    I2[iu, iv] += S**2.
    return I2

if __name__ == '__main__':

    Nx = 30
    Ny = 40
    Nk = 50
    Nl = 60
    Nu = 70
    Nv = 8
    Fx = np.random.rand(Nx, Nk)
    Fy = np.random.rand(Ny, Nl)
    Fu = np.random.rand(Nu, Nk)
    Fv = np.random.rand(Nv, Nl)
    P = np.random.rand(Nx, Ny)
    B = np.random.rand(Nk, Nl)
    fjit1 = jit(fun1)
    fjit2 = jit(fun2)

    # For loop - becomes too slow so commented out
    # t = time.time()
    # I1 = fun1(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B)
    # print 'fun1    :', time.time() - t

    # JIT compiled for loop - After a certain point beats einsum
    t = time.time()
    I1jit = fjit1(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B)
    print 'jit1    :', time.time() - t

    # einsum great solution when no squaring is needed
    t = time.time()
    I1_ = np.einsum('uk, vl, xk, yl, xy, kl->uv', Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B)
    print '1 einsum:', time.time() - t

    # For loop - becomes too slow so commented out
    # t = time.time()
    # I2 = fun2(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B)
    # print 'fun2    :', time.time() - t

    # JIT compiled for loop - After a certain point beats einsum
    t = time.time()
    I2jit = fjit2(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B)
    print 'jit2    :', time.time() - t

    # Expanded einsum - As the size increases becomes very very slow
    # t = time.time()
    # I2_ = np.einsum('uk,vl,xk,yl,um,vn,xm,yn,kl,mn,xy->uv', Fu,Fv,Fx,Fy,Fu,Fv,Fx,Fy,B,B,P**2)
    # print '2 einsum:', time.time() - t

    # Intermediate einsum - As the sizes increase memory can become an issue
    t = time.time()
    temp = np.einsum('uk, vl, xk, yl, xy, kl->uvxy', Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B)
    I2__ = np.einsum('uvxy->uv', np.square(temp))
    print '2 einsum:', time.time() - t

    # print 'I1 == I1_   :', np.allclose(I1, I1_)
    print 'I1_ == Ijit1_:', np.allclose(I1_, I1jit)
    # print 'I2 == I2_   :', np.allclose(I2, I2_)
    print 'I2_ == Ijit2_:', np.allclose(I2__, I2jit)

Comment: Please feel free to edit / improve this answer. 评论:请随时编辑/改进此答案。 It would be nice if someone had any suggestions with regards to making this parallel. 如果有人对并行化提出任何建议,那就太好了。

You could sum over one index first and then continue the multiplication. 您可以先对一个索引求和,然后继续相乘。 I have also tried versions with numexpr thrown in to the last multiplication and reduction operations but it doesn't seem to help too much. 我还尝试了将numexpr放入最后的乘法和归约运算中的版本,但似乎并没有太大帮助。

def fun3(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B):
    P = P[None, None, ...]
    Fu = Fu[:, None, None, None, :]
    Fx = Fx[None, None, :, None, :]
    Fv = Fv[:, None, None, :]
    Fy = Fy[None, :, None, :]
    B = B[None, None, ...]
    return np.sum((P*np.sum(Fu*Fx*np.sum(Fv*Fy*B, axis=-1)[None, :, None, :, :], axis=-1))**2, axis=(2, 3))

It's much faster on my computer: 在我的计算机上速度更快:

jit2 : 7.06 s jit2:7.06秒

fun3: 0.144 s fun3:0.144 s

Edit: Minor improvement - multiply first then square. 编辑:较小的改进-首先相乘然后平方。

Edit2: Leveraging what each does best (numexpr - multiplication, numpy - dot/tensordot, summation) you can still improve over the fun3 more than 20 times. Edit2:利用各自的最佳功能(numexpr-乘法,numpy-点/张量点,求和),您仍然可以在fun3上提高20倍以上。

def fun4(Fu, Fv, Fx, Fy, P, B):
    P = P[None, None, ...]
    Fu = Fu[:, None, :]
    Fx = Fx[None, ...]
    Fy = Fy[:, None, :]
    B = B[None, ...]
    s = ne.evaluate('Fu*Fx')
    r = np.tensordot(Fv, ne.evaluate('Fy*B'), axes=(1, 2))
    I = np.tensordot(s, r, axes=(2, 2)).swapaxes(1, 2)
    r = ne.evaluate('(P*I)**2')
    r = np.sum(r, axis=(2, 3))
    return r

fun4: 0.007 s fun4:0.007 s

Moreover, since fun8 is not that memory hungry anymore (due to the smart tensordot) you can multiply much bigger arrays and see it use multiple cores. 而且,由于fun8不再使内存不足(由于智能tensordot),您可以乘以更大的数组并看到它使用了多个内核。

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