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python QLineEdit 文本颜色

[英]python QLineEdit Text Color

I am trying to create a demonstration app to show how to change font colors.我正在尝试创建一个演示应用程序来展示如何更改字体颜色。

I can do it in QLabel and QTextEdit我可以在 QLabel 和 QTextEdit 中做到

I have found no way to change the foreground text color for a QLineEdit.我发现无法更改 QLineEdit 的前景色文本颜色。

The only thing I've tried that does not throw an error is:我尝试过的唯一不会抛出错误的是:

color = QColorDialog.getColor(defaultHost.textColor(), pWidget, 'Get Text Color')
myPalette.setColor(myPalette.WindowText, QColor(color))

But, the text color remains black...但是,文本颜色仍然是黑色...

Is it or is it not possible to do this?是否可以这样做?

You can do it by setting the object's style sheet :您可以通过设置对象的样式表来实现

self.my_line_edit = QtGui.QLineEdit()

self.my_line_edit.setStyleSheet("color: red;")

# or

self.my_line_edit.setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 0, 0);")

# or

    QLabel {
        color: red;

I solved for font text and background我解决了字体文本和背景

                """QLineEdit { background-color: green; color: white }""")

Below is a code snippet that took me two days of trial and error to figure out.下面是一段代码片段,我花了两天时间反复试验才弄明白。 I hope it helps other newbies like myself.我希望它可以帮助像我这样的其他新手。 My comments in the code should help, too.我在代码中的注释也应该有所帮助。

def set_palette(pWidget, pItem):
    # Get the pallet
    myPalette = pWidget.palette()
    defaultHost = led_dem.textEdit

    if isinstance(pWidget, QPushButton):
        # NOTE: Using stylesheets will temporarily change the color dialog popups push buttons
        print "Instance Is: %s " %(pWidget.objectName())
        # Existing colors.
        bgColor = pWidget.palette().color(QPalette.Background)
        fgColor = pWidget.palette().color(QPalette.Foreground)
        # Convert the QColors to a string hex for use in the Stylesheet.
        bg = bgColor.name()
        fg = fgColor.name()

        if pItem == 'Text':
            # Use the color dialog with a dummy widget to obtain a new QColor for the parameter we are changing.
            color = QColorDialog.getColor(defaultHost.textColor(), pWidget, 'Get Text Color')
            # Convert it to a string HEX
            fg = color.name()
            # Update all parameters of interest
            pWidget.setStyleSheet('background-color: ' + bg + ';color: ' + fg)

        if pItem == 'Background':
            color = QColorDialog.getColor(defaultHost.textColor(), pWidget, 'Get Background Color')
            myPalette.setColor(myPalette.Base, QColor(color))
            bg = color.name()
            pWidget.setStyleSheet('background-color: ' + bg + ';color: ' + fg)

This snippet shows:这个片段显示:

  • how to find what type of widget you are dealing with;如何找到您正在处理的小部件类型;
  • how to covert a QColor from a QColorDialog into a string HEX format for use with a stylesheet;如何将QColorQColorDialog转换为字符串 HEX 格式以与样式表一起使用; and
  • how to use the QColorDialog when the widget doesn't use a palette element of the type you need.当小部件不使用您需要的类型的调色板元素时如何使用QColorDialog

In my case I am using defaultHost = led_dem.textEdit where led_dem is my form and textEdit is a textEdit on the form.就我而言,我使用的是defaultHost = led_dem.textEdit其中led_dem是我的表单,而textEdittextEdit上的textEdit

Also, pWidget is the complete widget definition including form and instance .此外, pWidget是完整的小部件定义,包括forminstance

this is how I do it not using css这就是我不使用 css 的方式

Palette= QtGui.QPalette()
Palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Text, QtCore.Qt.red)

QLineEdit has a method initStyleOption and initStyleOption inherits QStyleOption, and then QStyleOption has a Method QPalette. QLineEdit 有一个方法initStyleOption ,initStyleOption 继承了QStyleOption,然后QStyleOption 有一个Method QPalette。 Now you can take advatage of using QPalette methods.现在您可以利用 QPalette 方法。

you can visit this link for reference http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/qlineedit.html您可以访问此链接以供参考http://pyqt.sourceforge.net/Docs/PyQt4/qlineedit.html

self.LBLDefteraStatusState.setStyleSheet('color: green;')

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