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[英]How to send signal to a bash script from another shell

I start the following script which I run in a bash shell(let's say shell1) in foreground and from another shell(shell2) I send the kill -SIGUSR1 pidof(scriptA). 我启动以下脚本,我在前台运行bash shell(比如说shell1),从另一个shell(shell2)运行kill -SIGUSR1 pidof(scriptA)。 Nothing happens. 什么都没发生。 What am I doing wrong ? 我究竟做错了什么 ? I tried other signals(SIGQUIT etc) but the result is same. 我尝试了其他信号(SIGQUIT等)但结果是一样的。

test_trap.sh test_trap.sh

function iAmDone { echo "Trapped Signal"; exit 0 } 
trap iAmDone SIGUSR1 
echo "Running... " 
tail -f /dev/null # Do nothing

In shell1 在shell1中


In shell2 在shell2中

kill -SIGUSR1 ps aux | grep [t]est_trap | awk '{print $2}'

The trap is not executed until tail finishes. 在尾部完成之前不会执行陷阱。 But tail never finishes. 但尾巴永远不会完成。 Try: 尝试:

tail -f /dev/null &

The trap will execute without waiting for tail to complete, but if you exit the tail will be left running. 陷阱将在不等待尾部完成的情况下执行,但如果退出尾部将继续运行。 So you'll probably want a kill $! 所以你可能想要kill $! in the trap. 在陷阱里。


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