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[英]Multiple ad mob on a single page

I am developing an angularjs-cordova app.I am able to load my ad unit on the bottom part of my app.Can I add multiple ad units on a single page ?? 我正在开发angularjs-cordova应用程序。我可以在应用程序的底部加载广告单元。可以在单个页面上添加多个广告单元吗?

And also I am not able to control the postionting of the ad unit. 而且我也无法控制广告单元的位置。

Is it possible to place the ad unit in the view according to the data loaded dynamicaly 是否可以根据动态加载的数据将广告单元放置在视图中

Please help me 请帮我

From the AdMob help page Tips for Developers & Publishers 从AdMob帮助页面上的开发者和发布者提示

The number of ads on a single page should not exceed one if the ad is fixed to the screen top or screen bottom. 如果广告固定在屏幕顶部或屏幕底部,则单个页面上的广告数量不应超过一个。 If the page scrolls, there should be a maximum of one ad on the top and one ad on the bottom, and both ads should not appear on the same page. 如果页面滚动,则顶部最多可包含一个广告,底部最多可包含一个广告,并且两个广告均不应出现在同一页面上。

More than 1 ad per screen and placing ads replacing app content is against policy. 每个屏幕上放置1个以上的广告,并放置替换广告内容的广告是违反政策的。 Your app will be rejected (watch the video here or see documentation here ). 您的应用将被拒绝(在此处观看视频或在此处查看文档 )。

As Nitin explained, you can place one banner at top and another at bottom if they are not visible at the same time. 如Nitin所述,如果您同时看不到横幅,则可以在顶部放置一个横幅,在底部放置另一个横幅。

Placing ads between the content and the menu is not recommended (and your app will probably be rejected too as it can be considered to "encourage accidental clicks"). 不建议在内容和菜单之间放置广告(您的应用程序也可能会被拒绝,因为它可以被视为“鼓励意外点击”)。 The ad should not be confused with app content (I'm not sure if it is against policy but they clearly mention it in the video as a key point). 广告不应与应用内容混淆(我不确定这是否违反政策,但他们在视频中清楚地提到了这一点)。

If you are using this cordova plugin 如果您正在使用此cordova插件

cordova plugin add com.admob.google

you will be able to decide between placing the ads at the bottom or at top (see cordova admob documentation ): 您将可以决定将广告放置在底部还是顶部(请参阅cordova admob文档 ):

function onDeviceReady() {
  document.removeEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
    publisherId: "YOUR_PUBLISHER_ID",
    bannerAtTop: true
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);

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