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[英]Replacing or Adding an onfocus & onblur function to a textbox within a jQuery function

I have a textbox which has a text value and onfocus and onblur functions attached which make the text disappear and appear when clicking on or off it... 我有一个带有文本值的文本框,并附加了onfocus和onblur函数,这些函数使文本消失,并在单击或关闭时显示...

The functions for onblur and onfocus attached to the textbox is... 附加到文本框的onblur和onfocus功能是...

function feedbackTextBoxFocus(textFieldObject, initialText) {
if (textFieldObject) {
    if (textFieldObject.value == initialText)
        textFieldObject.value = '';
function feedbackTextBoxBlur(textFieldObject, initialText) {
if (textFieldObject) {
    if (textFieldObject.value == '')
        textFieldObject.value = initialText;

The textbox is... 文本框是...

<asp:TextBox ID="TxtAskQuestionTitle" runat="server" CssClass="KBTopQuestionTitleTextbox" Text="Ask a question on this topic..." onblur="feedbackTextBoxBlur(this,'Ask a question on this topic...')" onfocus="feedbackTextBoxFocus(this,'Ask a question on this topic...')" />

What i want to do via a jquery method i have which makes a content area slide down when the textbox has been clicked on, is to change the text within the textbox and have the onblur and onfocus values change to "Provide a title for your question..." 我想通过jquery方法执行的操作是在单击文本框时使内容区域向下滑动,它是更改文本框内的文本,并将onblur和onfocus值更改为“为您的问题提供标题” ......”

$(function () {
$('.QuestionContentExpandClick').click(function () {

    /**** Slide the content div ****/
    var viewContent = $('#DivExpandQuestionContentArea');
    viewContent.slideDown('slow', function () {

        //  If logged in and sliding the content area down
        //  the title box message changes

        var titleTextbox = $('#TxtAskQuestionTitle');
        titleTextbox.val('Provide a title for your question...');
        //titleTextbox.attr('onfocus', feedbackTextBoxFocus(this,'Provide a title for your question...'));
        //titleTextbox.attr('onblur', feedbackTextBoxBlur(this, 'Provide a title for your question...'));


As you can see i am able to change the text value within the textbox but cannot find a way to change the onblur and onfocus functions, can anyone help me with this? 如您所见,我能够在文本框中更改文本值,但找不到改变onblur和onfocus函数的方法,有人可以帮助我吗? Many thanks in advance! 提前谢谢了!

If you use parenthesis when putting a callback function, you are not passing reference, instead you are executing the function. 如果在放置回调函数时使用括号,则您没有传递引用,而是执行了该函数。 Also, you just want to use the .focus() and .blur() functions. 另外,您只想使用.focus().blur()函数。 Try like so: 尝试这样:

titleTextbox.focus(function() {
    feedbackTextBoxFocus(this,'Provide a title for your question...');
titleTextbox.blur(function() {
    feedbackTextBoxBlur(this, 'Provide a title for your question...');

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