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Openlayer 3坐标

[英]Openlayer 3 coordinates

I have a latitude and longitude of some point. 我有一点经纬度。 How to conver its to the OpenLayer 3 map coordinate system? 如何将其转换为OpenLayer 3地图坐标系? My code is: 我的代码是:


    var coord = [55.7522200, 37.61556005];
    //coord =  ol.proj.transform(coord,'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
    var vectorSource = new ol.source.GeoJSON(
          object: {
            'type': 'FeatureCollection',
            'crs': {
              'type': 'name',
              'properties': {
                'name': 'EPSG:3857'
            'features': [
                'type': 'Feature',
                'geometry': {
                  'type': 'Point',
                  'coordinates': coord

    var map = ...

Could you gave me an example for converting the var coords on JavaScript . 你能给我一个关于在JavaScript上转换var coords的例子 You can see this example of code at link http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/examples/geojson.html 您可以在链接http://openlayers.org/en/v3.0.0/examples/geojson.html上看到此代码示例

如果您有一个坐标[lon, lat][lon, lat] 顺序 ),您可以使用以下方法对其进行转换:

var newCoord = ol.proj.transform([lon, lat], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');


var Coord = ol.proj.transform([lon, lat], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');

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