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[英]Using Eclipse Decorators without plugin.xml

I currently have a plugin that defines some decorators using the plugin.xml extension point. 我目前有一个插件,使用plugin.xml扩展点定义一些装饰器。 However, I understand that Eclipse is moving away from the plugin.xml paradigm in newer releases. 但是,据我所知,Eclipse正在逐渐脱离新版本中的plugin.xml范例。 I want to convert my plugin to be as future-facing as possible, so I'd like to separate the decorators from plugin.xml. 我想将我的插件转换为面向未来的插件,所以我想将装饰器与plugin.xml分开。 However, I can't find any information on using decorators outside of plugin.xml. 但是,我找不到有关在plugin.xml之外使用装饰器的任何信息。 Any tips or pointers? 任何提示或指示?

The decorator manager org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.DecoratorManager only supports decorations defined by extension points in the plugin.xml. 装饰器管理器org.eclipse.ui.internal.decorators.DecoratorManager仅支持plugin.xml中扩展点定义的装饰。

Although Eclipse e4 uses the application model rather than plugin.xml extension points to define the user interface this does not mean that the extension point mechanism is being abandoned. 虽然Eclipse e4使用应用程序模型而不是plugin.xml扩展点来定义用户界面,但这并不意味着放弃了扩展点机制。

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