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[英]Jquery smooth scrolling (not anchor)

I've seen a couple of articles here but I just can't find the right answer. 我在这里看过几篇文章,但我找不到正确的答案。 I'm not looking for a smooth scrolling to an anchor point, I already got that, I'm looking for a smooth scrolling like this or this . 我不是在寻找一个平滑滚动到锚点,我已经得到了,我正在寻找一个平滑滚动像这样这样 somehow they both uses this jquery which I don't know how to implement. 他们都以某种方式使用了我不知道如何实现的这个 jQuery。

I've tried this one: simplr-smoothscroll . 我已经尝试过这个: simplr-smoothscroll But this one is not really that 'smooth', when you scroll fast it slows you down. 但这并不是真正的“平滑”,当您快速滚动时,它会使您减速。

I've also tried: simple smooth-wheel . 我也尝试过: 简单的平稳轮 But I couldn't implement that properly, since my body height is set to 100%, someone else complained about that as well on github. 但是我无法正确实现,因为我的身高设置为100%,所以在github上也有人对此表示抱怨。 Above that, the demo provided in the Download (not on github) didn't work for me aswell, tried to fix that demo but still no luck. 除此之外,下载(不在github上)提供的演示对我也不起作用,试图修复该演示但仍然没有运气。

I've also try to use the source of that one: smoothwheel . 我也尝试使用其中之一的源: smoothwheel However I'm not a javascript magician with javascript so, no couldn't get that done. 但是我不是具有javascript的javascript魔术师,所以没有办法做到这一点。

Here is the simple jsfiddle page I have, where it should work: jsfiddle 这是我拥有的简单jsfiddle页面,应该在其中运行: jsfiddle

 <div id="menubar">
        <a href="#welcome">Welcome</a><a href="#welcome">Welcome</a><a href="#welcome">Welcome</a><a href="#welcome">Welcome</a>
    <div id="container">
        <div id="content">
                <br />
            <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum a tortor fringilla, volutpat justo malesuada, suscipit justo. Fusce ante dui, bibendum non sapien vitae, hendrerit ultricies enim. Quisque dictum fermentum congue. Vestibulum posuere iaculis arcu, ultrices pharetra mauris ultrices finibus. Ut pulvinar sit amet justo et rhoncus. Maecenas id ante vel tortor vulputate commodo in in lacus. Nunc auctor vulputate ornare. Donec lacus odio, maximus ut massa a, finibus pulvinar justo. In facilisis quam sed pharetra aliquet. Etiam varius non eros non suscipit. Vestibulum venenatis placerat accumsan. Nulla nec consequat mauris. Etiam nisl magna, semper vel sem mollis, vehicula bibendum urna. Nunc porttitor dui sed volutpat imperdiet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus pharetra ligula sit amet sapien mollis malesuada.

Sed mollis convallis risus. Duis volutpat, diam rutrum pretium scelerisque, odio nunc faucibus odio, sit amet cursus justo justo ac mi. Aenean laoreet et eros non viverra. Praesent id erat vel nisl molestie pharetra. Pellentesque eu eros nibh. Aliquam mollis, tortor eget consequat varius, metus sapien suscipit nisl, eu convallis ligula orci eu erat. Fusce et ex dignissim eros porta eleifend in quis sapien. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque non vehicula mauris, eget ornare tellus. Pellentesque aliquet massa augue, sed hendrerit massa condimentum eget. Nunc vulputate neque nunc, ac interdum velit tristique sed. Donec vestibulum nibh at tellus condimentum, sed rutrum quam pellentesque. Mauris congue blandit justo, a auctor est. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Suspendisse et sem vulputate, malesuada lectus ultrices, luctus elit.

Ut enim metus, lobortis in malesuada sed, fringilla sit amet velit. Phasellus nec tincidunt risus. Nam id nulla et dolor tempor consectetur elementum sit amet lacus. Nunc non felis enim. Curabitur feugiat at quam ac auctor. Duis nibh enim, consequat id sagittis vitae, pharetra nec arcu. Pellentesque vitae nisl tincidunt purus faucibus dignissim ut egestas enim. Integer gravida suscipit interdum. Nunc ac tellus urna. Proin odio quam, pulvinar sed tristique sed, viverra sed mi. Phasellus dapibus ipsum in tempor aliquet. Nam a lectus eu purus volutpat sodales eu at ante. Duis quis scelerisque lectus. Mauris interdum massa quis nisi luctus tincidunt. Etiam ut varius arcu, venenatis lacinia nulla. Cras tristique porta accumsan.

Nam dignissim risus tellus, sit amet faucibus mi dignissim eget. Sed luctus dolor et augue convallis tristique. Etiam sed urna urna. Etiam id lacinia neque. Aliquam ac sapien lacus. Ut lacus quam, efficitur a orci a, gravida porttitor dui. Nunc eget augue vehicula, congue mi ultrices, tempus neque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Nullam at venenatis ante. Ut odio justo, auctor non lacinia at, sollicitudin vel augue. Pellentesque urna felis, posuere sit amet lacus fermentum, congue dignissim elit. Phasellus eleifend lectus vitae arcu tristique, et pellentesque nunc venenatis. Duis at est velit. Nullam vestibulum lorem auctor vestibulum ornare. Mauris sed libero ut libero pellentesque fermentum eget eu nisi. Nam augue dolor, mollis ut volutpat eget, vulputate sit amet nisl. Etiam at elit dapibus, laoreet est at, sagittis nisl. Pellentesque sed risus in quam pretium porta sed vitae velit. Phasellus risus odio, imperdiet vel vulputate eget, imperdiet eu nisl. Aliquam ultrices lorem nec aliquet consectetur.</p>
           <br />
    <div id="img2">
    <img src="someImage.png" />

css: CSS:

body {
margin: 0;
background-color:blue; <!--this is a image -->
background-size: 100% auto;






#img2 img{

In the example you gave, they are using jquery.smoothwheel by IntelliJ IDEA. 在您给出的示例中 ,他们使用的是IntelliJ IDEA的jquery.smoothwheel

Check this link . 检查此链接 Maybe it's the effect you are searching for. 也许正是您要寻找的效果。

Hope it's useful! 希望它有用!

Edit by OP: 由OP编辑:

After @Academia gave me this fiddle I manged to get it to work for my needs. 在@Academia给我这个小提琴后,我努力使它满足我的需要。

This is what I ended up with: 我最终得到的是:

css: CSS:

body {
    background: url(someImage.png); 
    background-size: 100% auto;
    margin: 0 auto;
    height:1000px; /*key value to make this script work, else it only scrolls smoothly when your mouse is hovering over the #container*/
    -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;


    top:700px; /*I intent to scroll the content over the bg image, that was my struggle, I had it in procentage first*/


html: HTML:


    <div id="container">
        <div id="content">
<p>some content</p>

Now for the javascript, I had to add an function that would keep the top value of the container correct to the width of the screen 现在,对于javascript,我必须添加一个函数,以将容器的top值保持与屏幕的宽度正确

script for smoothscroll: 平滑滚动脚本:

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.smoothwheel.js"></script>


    $(document).ready(function () {


script for the top value of the container , 0.36 because 1920/700 = 0.36, this depends on the top value you want to have: 脚本将containertop值设为0.36,因为1920/700 = 0.36,这取决于您要具有的top值:

<script type="text/javascript">
   $(document).ready(function () {
   var jqeuryElem = jQuery("#container");
   var w = $(window).width();
   var top = w *0.36;

   jqeuryElem.css("top", top+"px");

   $(window).resize(function () {
       var jqeuryElem = jQuery("#container");
       var w = $(window).width();
       var top = w * 0.36;

       jqeuryElem.css("top", top + "px");

I'll post the result when the website is done. 网站建成后,我将发布结果。

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