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[英]C# Execute command Line error with space

Here is my code: 这是我的代码:

ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";
String mypath = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.ToString();
mypath = mypath.Substring(0, mypath.LastIndexOf("\\"));
startInfo.Arguments = "/k "+
    string.Format("\"{0}\"" + " " + ProcessIds[clientlist.SelectedIndex] + " " + "\"{1}\"",
                  mypath + "\\MIMT.exe",
                  mypath + "\\No.Ankama.dll");
process.StartInfo = startInfo;

And now the result: 现在的结果是:


Looks like the space is a problem, despite the quote, I do not understand. 看起来空间是个问题,尽管有报价,我还是不明白。

Don't parse the path and file name with Substring() or similar methods. 不要使用Substring()或类似方法来解析路径和文件名。

Use Path.GetDirectoryName() and Path.Combine() . 使用Path.GetDirectoryName()Path.Combine()

string mypath = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
string exeFile = Path.Combine(mypath, "MIMT.exe");
string dllFile = Path.Combine(mypath, "No.Ankama.dll");
startInfo.Arguments = "/k \""+ exeFile + "\" " + ProcessIds[clientlist.SelectedIndex] 
    + " \"" + dllFile + "\"";


You can run your exe file directly without using the cmd.exe. 您可以直接运行exe文件,而无需使用cmd.exe。

startInfo.FileName = exeFile;
startInfo.Arguments = ProcessIds[clientlist.SelectedIndex] + " \"" + dllFile + "\"";

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