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[英]Multiple regex in function using php

I wanted to pass data that contains url within it, and the url will be converted to click-able links, but the issue is that when i run the function , it reiterate 3 times and the data is treated 3 times. 我想传递其中包含url数据,并且该url将转换为可单击的链接,但是问题是,当我运行该function ,它会重复3次,并将数据处理3次。 How can I have a single data output? 如何获得单个数据输出? I tried removing the concatenation .= to just = but then, only the last pattern is being treated. 我尝试将串联.=删除为just =但是,仅处理了最后一个模式。 I want it in 3 pattern because I want to add http to the href when a user input is www.ivotism.com , it will be <a href="http//www.ivotism.com">www.ivotism.com</a> instead of <a href="www.ivotism.com">www.ivotism.com</a> . 我想要3种模式,因为当用户输入为www.ivotism.com ,我想将http添加到href ,它将是<a href="http//www.ivotism.com">www.ivotism.com</a>代替<a href="www.ivotism.com">www.ivotism.com</a>

function linkify($inputText) {
        //URLs starting with http://, https://, or ftp://
        $replacePattern1 = '/(\b(https?|ftp):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&@#\/%=~_|])/i';
        $replacedText .=  preg_replace($replacePattern1, '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>', $inputText);

        //URLs starting with "www." (without // before it, or it'd re-link the ones done above).
        $replacePattern2 = '/(^|[^\/])(www\.[\S]+(\b|$))/i';
        $replacedText .=  preg_replace($replacePattern2, '$1<a href="http://$2" target="_blank">$2</a>', $inputText);

        //Change email addresses to mailto:: links.
        $replacePattern3 = '/(([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.])+@[a-zA-Z\_]+?(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,6})+)/i';
        $replacedText .=  preg_replace($replacePattern3, '<a href="mailto:$1">$1</a>', $inputText);

        return $replacedText;

I run the code as shown below: 我运行如下代码:

$ab = "<br>1 http://www.ivotism.com <br>2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2 <br>3 ftp://www.ivotism.com <br>4 w www.ivotism.com <br>5 info@ivotism.com"; echo 

This is the result I got: 这是我得到的结果:

  1. 1 http://www.ivotism.com 1 http://www.ivotism.com
  2. 2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2 2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2
  3. 3 ftp://www.ivotism.com 3 ftp://www.ivotism.com
  4. 4 www.ivotism.com 4 www.ivotism.com
  5. 5 info@ivotism.com 5 info@ivotism.com
  6. 1 http://www.ivotism.com 1 http://www.ivotism.com
  7. 2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2 2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2
  8. 3 ftp://www.ivotism.com 3 ftp://www.ivotism.com
  9. 4 www.ivotism.com 4 www.ivotism.com
  10. 5 info@ivotism.com 5 info@ivotism.com
  11. 1 http://www.ivotism.com 1 http://www.ivotism.com
  12. 2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2 2 https://www.ivotism.com/hom.php?u=kira&id=2
  13. 3 ftp://www.ivotism.com 3 ftp://www.ivotism.com
  14. 4 www.ivotism.com 4 www.ivotism.com
  15. 5 info@ivotism.com 5 info@ivotism.com

You can perform all the replacements in a single call to preg_replace , by putting the regular expressions and replacements into arrays. 通过将正则表达式和替换项放入数组中,您可以在一次调用preg_replace执行所有替换项。

$resultText = preg_replace(array($replacePattern1, $replacePattern2, $replacePattern3),
                           array($replaceSub1, $replaceSub2, $replaceSub3),

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