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[英]How can I use the contents of a PHP file in my script?

I am developing the admin panel for my web application. 我正在为我的Web应用程序开发管理面板。 The front end of the site is on a server separate from the admin panel. 该站点的前端位于与管理面板分开的服务器上。 There is a form in the ACP where I want to be able to change the paths of my assets(img, js, css, etc) so all I have to do is change them in the form. ACP中有一个表单,我希望能够更改资产(img,js,css等)的路径,因此我要做的就是在表单中更改它们。 A helper function I created will apply the saved URL to any template assets. 我创建的辅助函数会将保存的URL应用于任何模板资产。

Since the frontend and admin panel are on different servers, I have to use file_get_contents with the FTP protocol to read the assets config file of the frontend from the admin panel. 由于前端和管理面板位于不同的服务器上,因此我必须使用带有FTP协议的file_get_contents来从管理面板读取前端的资产配置文件。 The file_get_contents function gets the content of the assets config file, but I want to be able to parse the actual PHP of the file and not just display the contents. file_get_contents函数获取资产配置文件的内容,但我希望能够解析该文件的实际PHP,而不仅仅是显示内容。

Example: 例:

This is config/assets.php 这是config / assets.php


$config = array(
    'img' => 'http://localhost/frontend/assets/img',
    'css' => 'http://localhost/frontend/assets/css',
    'js' => 'http://localhost/frontend/assets/js',
    'attachments' => 'http://localhost/frontend/attachments'

How can I use the information from the file above in the file below.... 如何使用下面文件中的上述文件中的信息。

This is my MVC(CodeIgniter) controller: 这是我的MVC(CodeIgniter)控制器:


class Assets extends MY_Controller {

    function index(){

        if($this->form_validation->run('assets') == FALSE){

            $this->template->overall_header("Asset Configuration");


            $config['acp'] = array(
                    'img_url' => $this->config->item('img_url'),
                    'css_url' => $this->config->item('css_url'),
                    'js_url' => $this->config->item('js_url'),
                    'attachment_url' => $this->config->item('attachment_url')

            $content = file_get_contents('ftps://'.$this->config->item('username').':'.$this->config->item('password').'@'.$this->config->item('hostname').'/application/config/assets.php');

            /-----  Pass variables to the admin cp form from the content of the front -----/
            /-----  end assets config file ------------------------------------------------/




I hope I am explaining my problem well enough! 我希望我能很好地解释我的问题! Thanks! 谢谢!

If you have allow_url_fopen and allow_url_include enabled, you can simply use include to include remote file. 如果启用了allow_url_fopenallow_url_include ,则可以简单地使用include包括远程文件。 It is not advisable to do so for security reason, but for the sake of answer your question, you can do something like this. 出于安全考虑,不建议这样做,但是为了回答您的问题,您可以执行以下操作。

include_once('ftps://'.$this->config->item('username') .
             ':'.$this->config->item('password') . '@' . 
             $this->config->item('hostname') . 


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