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[英]Pythonic way using list comprehension

I have this code that I know can be much more efficient.... 我知道这段代码可以提高效率。...

return_list = []
for attribute in attributes:
    if attribute['internalname'] in attributenames:
        attr = Attribute();
        attr.name = attribute['internalname']
        attr.value = attribute['value']

return return_list

I could have easily done list comprehension but since there is an object creation attr=Attributes() , I don't know how would I handle that? 我本来可以很容易地完成列表理解,但是由于有一个对象创建attr=Attributes() ,我不知道该如何处理?

Make Attribute() take the name and value as arguments: 使Attribute()以名称和值作为参数:

return [Attribute(attr['internalname'], attr['value'])
        for attr in attributes if attr['internalname'] in attributenames]

You could make it accept keyword arguments instead if you need to support various attributes instead: 如果您需要支持各种属性,则可以改为接受关键字参数:

return [Attribute(name=attr['internalname'], value=attr['value'])
        for attr in attributes if attr['internalname'] in attributenames]

If neither is an option, make a function to create the Attribute object with a name and value attribute: 如果两者都不是选项,请创建一个函数以创建具有namevalue属性的Attribute对象:

def create_attribute(name, value):
    attr = Attribute()
    attr.name = name
    attr.value = value
    return attr

return [create_attribute(attr['internalname'], attr['value'])
        for attr in attributes if attr['internalname'] in attributenames]

Is there an __init__ method for Attribute that takes named parameters? 是否有__init__Attribute方法采用命名参数? If so, you could do something like 如果是这样,您可以做类似的事情

return_list = [Attribute(name=attribute['internalname'], value=attribute['value']) for attribute in attributes if attribute['internalname'] in attributenames]

This is meant as a comment, posting as an answer because the comment system is not suited for posting code samples. 因为注释系统不适用于发布代码样本,所以这意味着作为注释,作为答案发布。 There are two good answers using list comprehensions and I want to complement talking about generators and generator expressions. 使用列表推导有两个很好的答案,我想补充有关生成器和生成器表达式的讨论。

While a list comprehension is shorter than your function, it may also be less readable. 虽然列表理解比您的函数要短,但它的可读性也可能较低。 An alternative is using generators: 一种替代方法是使用生成器:

def make_attributes(attributes, attributenames):
    for attribute in attributes:
        if attribute['internalname'] in attributenames:
            attr = Attribute();
            attr.name = attribute['internalname']
            attr.value = attribute['value']
            yield attr

There is also generator expressions (use these in place of list comprehensions where you don't really need a real list, for example, when you are just iterating over the result): 还有生成器表达式(例如,当您仅迭代结果时,可以使用这些表达式代替列表推导,在这些列表中您不需要真正的列表):

# borrowing create_attribute from Martijn Pieters
return (
    create_attribute(attr['internalname'], attr['value'])
    for attr in attributes 
    if attr['internalname'] in attributenames

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