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忽略 WillCascadeOnDelete 的实体框架迁移

[英]Entity framework migrations ignoring WillCascadeOnDelete

look at this question for example.例如,看看这个问题。 Entity Framework (EF) Code First Cascade Delete for One-to-Zero-or-One relationship 实体框架 (EF) 代码优先级联删除,用于一对零或一关系

I have a normal context etc.我有一个正常的上下文等。

If i change anything, i can generate a new migration per Add-Migration test .如果我更改任何内容,我可以根据Add-Migration test生成一个新的迁移。

But if i change WillCascadeOnDelete() from true to false or adding some with true it is ignored by entity framework.但是,如果我将 WillCascadeOnDelete() 从 true 更改为 false 或添加一些 true,则实体框架会忽略它。

I'm using Code first with a generated model from database.我首先将代码与数据库中生成的模型一起使用。 In the generated model everything was on WillCascadeOnDelete(false) .在生成的模型中,一切都在WillCascadeOnDelete(false) So now I'm changing it from false to true but its ignored by entity framework.所以现在我将它从 false 更改为 true 但它被实体框架忽略了。

I tried this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj591620.aspx#CascadeDelete too.我也试过这个: http : //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj591620.aspx#CascadeDelete

After adding this lines ... Nothing changes if i add Add-Migration newTest .添加此行后......如果我添加Add-Migration newTest则没有任何变化。


This is ignored, too, by Add-Migration thirdTest .这也被Add-Migration thirdTest


I can change everything with WillCascadeOnDelete... It is ignored!我可以用 WillCascadeOnDelete 改变一切……它被忽略了!

If i change everything else, it works and would be appended in new Migrations...如果我更改其他所有内容,它会起作用并将附加到新的迁移中...

The main class for this construct is the following.此构造的主要类如下。

public class SomeToThing : Base
    public Guid SomeId { get; set; }
    public virtual Some Some { get; set; }

    public Guid ThingId { get; set; }
    public virtual Thing Thing { get; set; }

I have this tables:我有这个表:

  • Some一些
  • SomeToThing某物
  • Thing事物

The SomeToThing has additional variables and because that i can't map Some directly to Thing . SomeToThing有额外的变量,因为我无法将Some直接映射到Thing

I know this thread is old, but I was just having the same issue.我知道这个线程很旧,但我只是遇到了同样的问题。

My solution was to delete the migration source file and re-scaffolding it from scratch.我的解决方案是删除迁移源文件并从头开始重新搭建它。

On my first try I forgot to set .WillCascadeOnDelete(false) , and for good reasons, SQL Server rejected the migration due to cycles.在我第一次尝试时,我忘记设置.WillCascadeOnDelete(false) ,并且出于充分的理由,SQL Server 由于周期而拒绝了迁移。 Then when I tried to re-scaffold the migration using the same name after removing cascades in the OnModelCreating method, EF just wouldn't pick up those particular changes.然后,当我在OnModelCreating方法中删除级联后尝试使用相同的名称重新构建迁移时,EF 只是不会选择那些特定的更改。

Then I deleted the migration source file and ran Add-Migration SameMigrationName .然后我删除了迁移源文件并运行Add-Migration SameMigrationName Cascade deletes were removed, and seems like it worked, since MSSQL accepted the migration script.由于 MSSQL 接受了迁移脚本,级联删除已被删除,并且似乎有效。 I'm using EF 6.1.3 btw.顺便说一句,我正在使用 EF 6.1.3。

One thing I would like to mention, relating to the problem I was having, was that I added the following code (to my 'OnModelCreating', ie DbContext):关于我遇到的问题,我想提到的一件事是我添加了以下代码(到我的“OnModelCreating”,即 DbContext):

                .HasMany(e => e.MyEntityOne)
                .WithRequired(e => e.MyEntityTwo)
                .HasForeignKey(e => e.MyEntityTwoId)

but I added this AFTER the table defining MyEntityOne was already defined, ie in a previous migration.但是我在定义 MyEntityOne 的表已经定义之后添加了这个,即在以前的迁移中。

Turns out that since I added this to OnModelCreating after the table was already defined, entity framework did 'not' pickup the willcascadeondelete(false) when I added a new migration.事实证明,因为我在表已经定义之后将它添加到 OnModelCreating 中,所以当我添加一个新的迁移时,实体框架并没有“不”选择 willcascadeondelete(false)。

To fix this, I had to manually add the following to (new) migration:为了解决这个问题,我必须手动将以下内容添加到(新的)迁移中:

DropIndex(...this was created by EF for me already.  Not important...);
DropForeignKey("MyEntityOne", "<name of Foreign key goes here ie FK_MyEntityOne_...etc>");
AddForeignKey("MyEntityOne", "MyEntityTwoId", "MyEntityTwo", "Id", cascadeDelete:false);
AlterColumn(...this was created by EF for me already.  Not important...);
CreateIndex(...this was created by EF for me already.  Not important...);

By adding the AddForeignKey line, with cascadeDelete: false, it will re-apply the foreign key with cacade on delete false this time.通过添加AddForeignKey 行,使用cascadeDelete: false,它将重新应用带有cacade on delete false 的外键。

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