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[英]Can I add a P3P Response Header to XMLHttpRequest?

I am using the AjaxFileUpload plugin in my code, but ie8 and ie10 are not sending the Cookie in the request header on the POST to AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd. 我在代码中使用了AjaxFileUpload插件,但是ie8和ie10不在POST的请求标头中将Cookie发送到AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd。 I see the "eye" icon at the bottom of ie8 and see that AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd is "blobked", so this not sending of the cookie is on purpose. 我在ie8的底部看到“眼睛”图标,并且看到AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd被“ blobked”,因此故意不发送cookie。 I have the tag below in my own web.config, but the issue is the scripts for AjaxFileUpload are pulled in from a dll, and so even with this AjaxFileUploadHandler is still "blocked". 我在自己的web.config中具有以下标记,但是问题是AjaxFileUpload的脚本是从dll中提取的,因此即使AjaxFileUploadHandler仍然被“阻止”。 I downloaded the source code to the AjaxControlToolkit, which creates the dll for the project, and now I am trying to find where I can add the P3P header so that ie can be happy. 我将源代码下载到了AjaxControlToolkit,后者为项目创建了dll,现在我试图找到可以在其中添加P3P标头的位置,以便可以高兴。 I see XMLHttpRequest() in the code of the toolkit, is there any way to add this P3P header to it to satisfy ie? 我在工具箱的代码中看到了XMLHttpRequest(),是否有任何方法可以将P3P标头添加到它中以满足呢?

EDIT: The fix is to comment out iframe.security = "restricted"; 编辑:解决方法是注释掉iframe.security =“ restricted”; I updated the code below. 我更新了下面的代码。

    <add name="P3P" value='CP="Potato"'/>

In particular this issue is with the iframe that the toolkit uses. 特别是此问题与工具包使用的iframe有关。 Is there any way to just add P3P to the iFrame? 有什么方法可以将P3P添加到iFrame吗?

    this.createIFrame = function() {

    var name = this._iframeName,
        iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");

    iframe.width = "0";
    iframe.height = "0";
    iframe.style.display = "none";
    iframe.src = "about:blank";
    //iframe.src = "javascript:'<script>window.onload=function(){document.write(\\'<script>document.domain=\\\"" + document.domain + "\\\";<\\\\/script>\\');document.close();};<\/script>'";
    iframe.id = name;
    iframe.name = name;
    //iframe.security = "restricted";
    iframe.contentWindow.name = name;
    $addHandlers(iframe, {
        load: Function.createDelegate(this, this.onIFrameLoadedHandler)

    this._iframe = iframe;

this.onIFrameLoadedHandler = function (e) {
    /// <summary>
    /// Event handler to capture when iframe receive response from server.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="e"></param>

    if (!control._currentFileId)

    try {

        var iframe = this._iframe, doc = null;

        // Only test the iframe data, exception should thrown if something went wrong.
        if (iframe.contentDocument)
            // Firefox, Opera
            doc = iframe.contentDocument;
        else if (iframe.contentWindow)
            // Internet Explorer
            doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
        else if (iframe.document)
            // Others?
            doc = iframe.document;

        if (doc == null)
            throw "Document not initialized";

        // finalizing and upload next file

    } catch (e) {

        // Cancelation / aborting upload can causing 'Access is denied' or 'Permission denied' on IE 9 bellow,
        // let's consider this exception is not trully error exception from server.
        if (!control._canceled || !(e.message && (e.message.indexOf("Access is denied") > -1 || e.message.indexOf("Permission denied") > -1))) {
            throw e;

The fix for this was to remove one little line: 解决此问题的方法是删除一行:

iframe.security = "restricted";

Keeping that line in there makes ie treat the iframe with the same level of security as a site in the user's "Restricted" list. 保持该行不变,即使iframe的安全级别与用户的“受限制”列表中的站点相同。

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