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[英]How to apply incrementing numbers from strings (invoice numbers)

I am trying to implement incrementing invoice numbers on my current application, however I am confused as to how to go about it as the applications invoices are a string. 我正在尝试在当前的应用程序上实现递增的发票编号,但是由于应用程序发票是字符串,因此我对如何处理它感到困惑。

Currently the invoice numbers look like this: Q20140001 and they are supposed to increase by 1 for each new invoice (so the next invoice number would be Q20140002 ). 当前,发票号如下所示: Q20140001 ,并且应该为每个新发票将其增加1(因此下一个发票号将为Q20140002 )。 All I would like to do is split the string ( in to Q and 20140001 ). 我只想将字符串拆分(分别为Q20140001 )。 Then I would like to have the 20140001 number increment to 20140002 . 然后我想将20140001数字增加到20140002

My guess is that every time I want to create a new number, I check the last invoice number that was stored on the database, parse it into a string and an integer, take the integer and increment it by 1, and then add the Q back on to it. 我的猜测是,每当我要创建一个新编号时,我都会检查数据库中存储的最后一个发票编号,将其解析为字符串和整数,取整数并将其递增1,然后加上Q回到它。

I'm not sure if my approach is correct, though. 不过,我不确定我的方法是否正确。

Did you tried using the String#succ method? 您是否尝试过使用String#succ方法?

IRB session: 内部审查委员会会议:

2.1.2 :001 > 'Q20140001'.succ
 => "Q20140002"
2.1.2 :002 >

One thing you must keep in mind is, that after 99999999 invoices, the result may not be what you want: 您必须记住的一件事是,在99999999发票之后,结果可能不是您想要的:

2.1.2 :002 > 'Q99999999'.succ
 => "R00000000"
2.1.2 :003 >

Q will be incremented to the next ASCII position R , resulting in R00000000 . Q将增加到下一个ASCII位置R ,结果为R00000000 One possible solution is to fill the invoice number with enough zeros, something like: Q00000000020140001 or leave the things as they are, which may be better in the long run. 一种可能的解决方案是用足够的零填充发票编号,例如: Q00000000020140001或保留原样,从长远来看可能会更好。

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