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[英]Associate PartialView to model of the page

I have a situation I can't solve alone... I have this object: 我有一个我无法独自解决的情况...我有这个对象:

public class Service
    public Configuration Conf{get; set;}

public class Configuration 
    public List<Gateway> Gateways{get; set;}

Now I have a page to create a new service and I want to add runtime (client-side) a partial view. 现在,我有一个页面来创建新服务,并且我想添加运行时(客户端)的局部视图。 I have a page that accept as model the Service class.. and a partial view that have the gateway as model.. Everything seems to work.. 我有一个页面可以接受Service类作为模型。还有一个局部视图以网关为模型。一切似乎都可以正常工作。

@model ObjectModel.Entities.Configurations.Service

@section scripts {
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function loadPartial(event) {

            var $div = $(event.target).closest(event.data.divContainer),
                url = $(this).data('url'), model = event.data.model;

            $.post(url, function (model) {

        $('#link_add_gateway').live('click', { divContainer: "#new_gateway", model: @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)) }, loadPartial);


<div id="new_gateway">           
    <a id="link_add_gateway" class="cursor_pointer"
        data-url='@Url.Action("RenderGateway", "Configuration")'>Aggiungi gateway</a>

<input type="submit" value="Create" class="btn btn-default" />

And here the controller: 这是控制器:

 //EDIT: Now service is valorized here too..
 public ActionResult RenderGateway(Service service)
        Gateway g = new Gateway();
        return PartialView("~/Views/_Partials/Gateway/Edit.cshtml", g);

 public ActionResult Create(Service service)
     //Still nothing

Here the problem : Service has no gateway valorized.. I think is correct, but I don't know how to solve it! 这里的问题是 :服务没有网关。.我认为是正确的,但我不知道如何解决! I would like to associate the model of the partial view to the model of the page. 我想将部分视图的模型与页面的模型相关联。 How can I do? 我能怎么做?

thank you 谢谢

UPDATE: 更新: 在此处输入图片说明在此处输入图片说明

public class Configuration
    [XmlElement(ElementName = "gateway")]
    public GatewaysList Gateways { get; set; }

    public Configuration()
        this.Gateways = new GatewaysList();

public class GatewaysList : List<Gateway>
    public Gateway this[int gatewayId]
            return this.Find(g => g.GatewayId == gatewayId);

I think you shouldn't use get to do this call because you have to send parameters 我认为您不应该使用get来执行此调用,因为您必须发送参数

So try something like this 所以尝试这样的事情

$().ajax({method: 'POST', data: @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)), //other parameters})

and then change 然后改变

public ActionResult RenderGateway(ObjectModel.Entities.Configurations.Service service)
    return PartialView("~/Views/_Partials/Gateway/Edit.cshtml",service);

the key for your problem is to use @Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model)) to reSend your Model over pages 您问题的关键是使用@Html.Raw(Json.Encode(Model))在页面上重新发送模型

update 更新

this code came from my working project so I'm sure that works, try sending the parameter as a string and then deserialize it 该代码来自我的工作项目,所以我确定它可以正常工作,尝试将参数作为字符串发送,然后反序列化

 public ActionResult RenderGateway(string service)
    var jsSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings();
    jsSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
    var deserializedModel = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Service >(service, jsSettings);
    //now deserializedModel is of type Service 
    return PartialView("~/Views/Shared/something.cshtml", deserializedModel);

update 2 更新2

I see from your GatewayList class that it's an indexer. 我从您的GatewayList类中看到它是一个索引器。 They can't be serialized by xmlserializer You can do something like this 它们不能被xmlserializer序列化。您可以执行以下操作

public class GatewaysList : List<Gateway>
      public Gateway this[int gatewayId]
           return this.Find(g => g.GatewayId == gatewayId);

       [XmlArrayItem(ElementName="Gateway", Type=typeof(Gateway))]
       public List<Gateway> GatewaysList


Solved... "Just" 1 row missed in my code... In my PartialView: 解决了...在我的代码中,“仅” 1行在我的代码中丢失了...

@using (Html.BeginCollectionItem("Configuration.Gateways"))

Now everything works correctly.. 现在一切正常。

Ah... I have forgot to say that I had to install the BeginCollectionItem plugin and add to web.config the following line: 啊...我忘了说我必须安装BeginCollectionItem插件并将以下行添加到web.config中:

<add namespace="HtmlHelpers.BeginCollectionItem" />

in system.web.webPages.razor -> pages -> namespaces system.web.webPages.razor -> pages -> namespaces

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