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[英]MVC date range between min and max value

I am trying to add a range for date in my model. 我正在尝试在模型中添加日期范围。

I have added following property to my class 我在班级添加了以下属性

    [Display(Name = "Date Schedule")]
    [Range(typeof(DateTime), DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), DateTime.Now.AddDays(120).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"), ErrorMessage = "Please select valid date")]
    public DateTime? DateSchedule { get; set; }

It gives me following error 它给我以下错误


How can I assign Min and Max value to my DateSchedule ? 如何将最小值最大值分配给我的DateSchedule In calendar control it should only display date from today to 120 days (In my class I have added 120 days). 在日历控件中,它只能显示从today120 days (在我的课堂上,我已经添加了120天)。

Attributes accept only constants as parameters. 属性仅接受常量作为参数。

We know that DateTime.Now isn't a constant, it changes depending on when the code runs. 我们知道DateTime.Now不是常数,它会随着代码运行的时间而变化。 and Range attribute is determined at compile time. Range属性是在编译时确定的。

You need to create custom validator as shown below :- 您需要创建自定义验证器,如下所示:-

public class DateAttribute : RangeAttribute
    ////your code

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