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[英]How can I use Magento to create onclick set param grid

Currently I have this php code: 目前,我有以下php代码:

    $this->addColumn('action_urls', array(
            'header' => $this->__('Update LP'),
            //'index' => 'action_url',
            'width'     => '100',
            'filter'    => false,
            'sortable'  => false,                
            'type'      => 'action',
            'actions'   => array(
                        'caption'   => Mage::helper('viajemos_general')->__('Update LP'),
                        'field'     => 'action_url',
                        'onclick' => "showLandingPage('".$this->getUrl('admingeneral/adminhtml_LandingPagesUploader/createUpdateHotelProductLP/', array('id_viajemos' => $this->getId() ))."')" 

I need to send in the row id in the 'onclick' from the grid, but with "$this->getId()" isn't possible. 我需要在网格中的“ onclick”中发送行ID,但无法使用“ $ this-> getId()”。

You cannot pass the id in onclick as in your example...you can only have it replaced in the url key as in this answer . 您不能像在示例中那样在onclick中传递ID ...您只能像在此答案中那样在url键中替换它。
However for you there is a solution: Give up of column of type 'action' and create a custom renderer...you can find a plenty of examples on net... here is one of them. 但是,对您而言,有一个解决方案:放弃“ action”类型的列并创建一个自定义渲染器...您可以在网上找到很多示例... 这里是其中一个。 Your custom render should look something like 您的自定义渲染应类似于

public function render(Varien_Object $row)
    return '<span onclick="showLandingPage(\'' . $this->getUrl('admingeneral/adminhtml_LandingPagesUploader/createUpdateHotelProductLP/', array('id_viajemos' => $row->getId())) . '\')">' . $this->__('Update LP') . '</span>';

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