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Neo4j gem-使用索引处理集合查询

[英]Neo4j gem - Handling collection query with index

To avoid making the last question full of edits, I am spinning off a new question on debugging this. 为了避免使最后一个问题充满编辑内容,我在调试此问题时提出了一个新问题。 Original question was this Neo4j gem - Plucking multiple nodes/relationships 最初的问题是这个Neo4j宝石-选择多个节点/关系

This is sorta where I ended up. 这是我最终的结果。 There is some flaw with the day detection but as a query it does work for now. 日间检测存在一些缺陷,但作为查询,它确实可以使用。 @collection returns a slew of things as written. @collection返回一系列书面内容。

Event.rb Event.rb

def self.reminder

    one_day = 1.day.to_i
    time = Time.zone.now.to_i
    @collection = Event.as(:e).where( "( ( e.date_start - {current_time} ) / {one_day_p} ) < {one_p} " ).users(:u, :rel).where(setting_reminder: true).rel_where(reminded: false ).params(one_day_p: one_day, current_time: time, one_p: 1).pluck(:e, 'COLLECT(u)', 'COLLECT(rel)')

    @collection.each do |event, users, rels|
      users.each_with_index do |user, i|

      rels.each_with_index do |rels, i|
        rels[i].reminded = true

I originally had it as the last answer did, but I think I need to track both the indexes of the user and the rel nested within the each block. 我最初是用它作为最后一个答案的,但是我想我需要跟踪用户的索引和嵌套在每个块中的rel。

Running in rails c, when I run Event.reminder I get 在rails c中运行,当我运行Event.reminder我得到了

TypeError: 0 is not a symbol

What's wrong with my nested loop? 我的嵌套循环有什么问题?

@collection is one big array that contains other arrays. @collection是一个包含其他数组的大数组。 You can't do @collection.each do |event, users, rels| 您不能执行@collection.each do |event, users, rels| , you need to return each array within it and then loop through those. ,您需要返回其中的每个数组,然后遍历这些数组。 Two ways: 两种方式:

@collection = Event.as(:e).where( "( ( e.date_start - {current_time} ) / {one_day_p} ) < {one_p} " ).users(:u, :rel).where(setting_reminder: true).rel_where(reminded: false ).params(one_day_p: one_day, current_time: time, one_p: 1).pluck(:e, 'COLLECT(u)', 'COLLECT(rel)')
@collection.each do |row|
  event = row[0]
  users = row[1]
  rels  = row[2]

  users.each_with_index do |user, i|
    UserMailer.reminder(event, user).deliver
    rels[i].reminded = true

# OR

events = collection.map { |row| row[0] }
users  = collection.map { |row| row[1] }
rels   = collection.map { |row| row[2] }

events.each_with_index do |event, i|
  UserMailer.reminder(event, users[i]).deliver
  rels[i].reminded = true

I think you just need to do a normal each: 我认为您只需要做一个普通的:

  users.each do |user|

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