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[英]Shortcut to jump between declaration and implementation in XE7

I have been at this for hours. 我已经在这几个小时了。 I want to rip my eyes out. 我想撕开我的眼睛。 We use XE7 C++Builder. 我们使用XE7 C ++ Builder。 Is there a simple shortcut that allows a poor programmer like me to easily jump between the declaration of a method in a header file, to the implementation in the cpp file, and vice versa? 是否有一个简单的快捷方式允许像我这样的程序员在头文件中的方法声明和cpp文件中的实现之间轻松跳转,反之亦然?

I found this link which says Shift+Ctrl+Down Arrow and Shift+Ctrl+Up Arrow should do it, but they don't. 我发现这个链接Shift+Ctrl+Down ArrowShift+Ctrl+Up Arrow应该这样做,但他们没有。 They simply don't work. 他们根本行不通。

I know I can hover with the mouse and hold Ctrl on the keyboard, but this only opens the declaration. 我知道我可以用鼠标悬停并按住Ctrl键盘,但这只会打开声明。 I want a simple shortcut to move in either direction (implementation to declaration and vice-versa). 我想要一个简单的快捷方式向任一方向移动(实现到声明,反之亦然)。

Is there something else that needs to be enabled (in Tools>Options>Editor Options>Key Mappings )? 是否还需要启用其他功能(在工具>选项>编辑器选项>键映射中)?

I hit Ctrl + F in the header file with the cursor at the beginning of the function name, which auto-populates the search box with the function name, then press Enter . 我在标题文件中按Ctrl + F ,光标位于函数名称的开头,使用函数名称自动填充搜索框,然后按Enter键 Then I hit Ctrl + F6 (switch to cpp file), and then F3 (next instance of search). 然后我按Ctrl + F6 (切换到cpp文件),然后按F3 (下一个搜索实例)。

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