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[英]Creating dynamic nested dictionary of counts

I have a text file abc.txt : 我有一个文本文件abc.txt


I need to parse these statements and output should be in nested dictionary as below: 我需要解析这些语句,并且输出应位于嵌套字典中,如下所示:


where 1 is 'pass' count. 其中1是'pass'计数。

I'm able to do as much as this: 我能够做到这一点:

import re

for line in open('abc.txt'):
    for key in p.findall(line):

Here's an updated version of my answer in which leaves of the tree data-structure are now different from those in rest of it. 这是我的答案的更新版本,其中树数据结构的叶子现在与其余部分的叶子不同。 Instead of the tree being strictly a dict -of-nested- dict s, the "leaves" on each branch are now instances of a different subclass of dict named collections.Counter which are useful for counting the number of times each of their keys occur. 取而代之的是树一个严格的dict -of-nested- dict秒,“叶子”上的每个分支现在不同的子类的实例dict命名collections.Counter这对于每个计数的键出现的次数非常有用。 I did this because of your response to my question about what should happen if the last part of each line was something other than ":pass" (which was "we have to put new count for that key"). 我之所以这样做是因为你回答了我的问题,如果每一行的最后一部分不是":pass" (这是“我们必须为该键设置新计数”),应该会发生什么。

Nested dictionaries are often called Tree data-structures and can be defined recursively — the root is a dictionary as are the branches. 嵌套字典通常称为Tree数据结构,可以递归定义 - 根是字典,分支也是字典。 The following uses a dict subclass instead of a plain dict because it makes constructing them easier since you don't need to special case the creation of the first branch of next level down (except I still do when adding the "leaves" because they are a different subclass, collections.Counter ). 下面使用一个dict子类而不是一个普通的dict因为它使构造它们更容易,因为你不需要特殊情况下创建下一级的第一个分支(除了我仍然在添加“叶子”时,因为它们是一个不同的子类collections.Counter )。

from collections import Counter
from functools import reduce
import re

# (Optional) trick to make Counter subclass print like a regular dict.
class Counter(Counter):
    def __repr__(self):
        return dict(self).__repr__()

# Borrowed from answer @ https://stackoverflow.com/a/19829714/355230
class Tree(dict):
    def __missing__(self, key):
        value = self[key] = type(self)()
        return value

# Utility functions based on answer @ https://stackoverflow.com/a/14692747/355230
def nested_dict_get(nested_dict, keys):
    return reduce(lambda d, k: d[k], keys, nested_dict)

def nested_dict_set(nested_dict, keys, value):
    nested_dict_get(nested_dict, keys[:-1])[keys[-1]] = value

def nested_dict_update_count(nested_dict, keys):
    counter = nested_dict_get(nested_dict, keys[:-1])
    if counter:  # Update existing Counter.
    else:  # Create a new  Counter.
        nested_dict_set(nested_dict, keys[:-1], Counter([keys[-1]]))

d = Tree()
pat = re.compile(r'[a-zA-z]+')
with open('abc.txt') as file:
    for line in file:
        nested_dict_update_count(d, [w for w in pat.findall(line.rstrip())])

print(d)  # Prints like a regular dict.

To test the leaf-counting capabilities of the revised code, I used the following test file which includes the same line twice, once ending again with :pass and another ending in :fail . 为了测试修改后的代码的叶子计数功能,我使用了以下测试文件,其中包含两次相同的行,一次以:pass结束,另一次以:fail结束。

Expanded abc.txt test file: 扩展的abc.txt测试文件:


Output: 输出:

{'abc': {'pqr': {'lmn': {'bcd': {'pass': 1}, 'xyz': {'fail': 1, 'pass': 2}}}}}

Check out the setdefault method on dictionaries. 查看字典上的setdefault方法。

d = {}
d.setdefault('pqr', {}).setdefault('lmn', {}).setdefault('xyz', {})['pass'] = 1
d.setdefault('pqr', {}).setdefault('lmn', {}).setdefault('bcd', {})['pass'] = 1


{'pqr': {'lmn': {'bcd': {'pass': 1}, 'xyz': {'pass': 1}}}}

If i understand your question: 如果我了解您的问题:

sources = ["abc/pqr/lmn/xyz:pass", "abc/pqr/lmn/bcd:pass", "abc/pqr/lmn/xyz:pass"]

def prepare_source(source):
    path, value = source.split(':')
    elements = path.split('/')
    return elements, value

def add_key(elements, value):
    result = dict()
    if len(elements) > 1:
        result[elements[0]] = add_key(elements[1:], value)

        result[elements[0]] = {value: 1}

    return result

# base merge function get from here:
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7204805/dictionaries-of-dictionaries-merge
def merge(a, b, path=None):
    "merges b into a"
    if path is None: path = []
    for key in b:
        if key in a:
            if isinstance(a[key], dict) and isinstance(b[key], dict):
                merge(a[key], b[key], path + [str(key)])
            elif isinstance(a[key], int) and isinstance(b[key], int):
                a[key] += b[key]
                raise Exception('Conflict at %s' % '.'.join(path + [str(key)]))
            a[key] = b[key]
    return a

result = dict()

for source in sources:
    result = merge(result, add_key(*prepare_source(source)))

print result

Output will be: 输出将是:

{'abc': {'pqr': {'lmn': {'bcd': {'pass': 1}, 'xyz': {'pass': 2}}}}}

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