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[英]Parsing Nested JSON array to an Array using GSON

I need to parse the following Json 我需要解析以下Json

        "foot mercato",
        "foot center",

in java using Gson . 在Java中使用Gson

Im really interested in values in the Array: so far I have tried: 我真的很喜欢Array中的值:到目前为止,我已经尝试过:

String jsonStr = "[" + "\"foo\"," + " [" + "  \"foot mercato\"," + "  \"football\"," + "  \"foot center\"," +
                "  \"foorzik\"," + "  \"footao\"" + " ]" + "]";

JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonArray array = parser.parse(jsonStr).getAsJsonArray();

any suggestion? 有什么建议吗?

Once you get your array, you can iterate through all the elements of it. 获得数组后,就可以遍历数组的所有元素。

for(JsonElement e : array) {

which will output 将输出

["foot mercato","football","foot center","foorzik","footao"]

If you only want the values in the nested array, you can do: 如果只需要嵌套数组中的值,则可以执行以下操作:

JsonArray nestedArray = parser.parse(jsonStr).getAsJsonArray().get(1).getAsJsonArray();
for(JsonElement e : nestedArray) {

which will output 将输出

"foot mercato"
"foot center"

This may help: 这可能会有所帮助:

String jsonStr = "[" + "\"foo\"," + " [" + "  \"foot mercato\"," + "  \"football\"," + "  \"foot center\","
                + "  \"foorzik\"," + "  \"footao\"" + " ]" + "]";

        Gson gson = new Gson();
        ArrayList<Object> dest = new ArrayList<Object>();
        dest = gson.fromJson(jsonStr, dest.getClass());

        for (Object e : dest) {
            System.out.println("T:" + e.getClass().getCanonicalName());
            if (e instanceof String) {
            } else if (e instanceof ArrayList) {
                for (String ele : (ArrayList<String>) e) {

Will generate: 将产生:

T:java.lang.String T:java.lang.String中

foo FOO

T:java.util.ArrayList T:java.util.ArrayList中

foot mercato 脚Mercato

football 足球

foot center 脚中心

foorzik foorzik

footao footao

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