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[英]meteor, mongodb, spacebars, how do I display only 2 decimal places

I have a collection that has values like { "pctFail" : "0.3515500159795462" } and when I pass this to a template and display as {{myTemplate}}% it displays in my html as 0.3515500159795462%. 我有一个像{ "pctFail" : "0.3515500159795462" }这样的值的集合,当我将其传递给模板并显示为{{myTemplate}}%时,它在我的html中显示为0.3515500159795462%。 How do I display this as 0.35% ? 我如何将其显示为0.35%?

You could override the data context's property with a template helper method: 您可以使用模板帮助器方法覆盖数据上下文的属性:

  pctFail: function () { return this.pctFail.toFixed(2); }

And then use {{pctFail}}% as before. 然后像以前一样使用{{pctFail}}% If you insist on storing the numerical property as a string, you'll need to return something like parseFloat(this.pctFail).toFixed(2) instead. 如果您坚持将数字属性存储为字符串,则需要返回类似parseFloat(this.pctFail).toFixed(2)

You can also solve this problem by using a helper function http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/template_registerhelper which can be used from all templates like so: 您也可以使用辅助函数http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/template_registerhelper解决此问题,该函数可以在所有模板中使用,如下所示:

Template.registerHelper('toFixed', function (x, decimals) {
    return x.toFixed(decimals);

and then you can use: 然后你可以使用:

 {{toFixed item.pctFail 2}}

If you insist on storing the numerical property as a string, you'll need to return something like 如果您坚持将数字属性存储为字符串,则需要返回类似的内容


instead. 代替。

You could do something like this using substrings 你可以使用子串做这样的事情

    pctFail: function () {
        return this.pctFail.substring(0, 4);

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