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[英]How to set default alias on cloudControl

I have a cloudControl app and have added TXT and CNAME entries for the alias settings in order to make the app available under my own domain. 我有一个cloudControl应用程序,并为别名设置添加了TXTCNAME条目,以使该应用程序在我自己的域下可用。 Now when I make a 现在当我做一个

$ cctrlapp myapp/default alias

on my app, I get something like 在我的应用程序上,我得到类似

    name                                   default  verified
    myapp.cloudcontrolapp.com                  1        1
    myapp.cloudcontrolled.com                  1        1
    www.myapp.com                              0        1

How can I unset default for the first two entries and set default for my own domain? 如何取消前两个条目的默认设置并为自己的域设置默认设置?

The default entries on the Alias are output are the platform domains, which are provided automatically and exist for every deployment. 别名上的默认条目是平台域的输出,平台域是自动提供的,并且对于每个部署都存在。 So this can not be changed. 因此,这不能更改。 From the perspective of the routing tier all aliases are the same and there is no difference between default and non-default entries. 从路由层的角度来看,所有别名都是相同的,默认条目和非默认条目之间没有区别。

Do you have issues using your domain? 您在使用域名时遇到问题吗?

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