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[英]Ajax between two PHP scripts

I'm tring to perform an AJAX request between 2 PHP scripts, one of them just returns (echoes) some data in the form of a json string: 我正在尝试在2个PHP脚本之间执行AJAX请求,其中之一只是以json字符串的形式返回(回显)一些数据:


And the other one just makes a simple http request to it: 另一个只是向它发出一个简单的http请求:

$c = new http\Client;
$r = new http\Client\Request('GET', 'http://example.com/script.php');
    function(http\Client\Response $r) {
            // Do something with the Json here.
            return true;

But I just can't figure out how to get that Json string from the Response object. 但我只是不知道如何从Response对象中获取该Json字符串。 PECL's documentation doesn't help at all: PECL的文档完全没有帮助:


$request = new http\Client\Request("GET",
    ["User-Agent"=>"My Client/0.1"]

$client = new http\Client;

// pop the last retrieved response
$response = $client->getResponse();
printf("%s returned '%s' (%d)\n",

This just yields: 这只会产生:

http://example.com/ returned 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' (200) http://example.com/返回了“ HTTP / 1.1 200 OK”(200)

But nothing more. 但仅此而已。 How can I do this? 我怎样才能做到这一点?

Update: 更新:

This is a dump of the Response object using var_dump . 这是使用var_dumpResponse对象的转储。

  protected 'type' => int 2
  protected 'body' => 
  protected 'requestMethod' => string '' (length=0)
  protected 'requestUrl' => string '' (length=0)
  protected 'responseStatus' => string 'OK' (length=2)
  protected 'responseCode' => int 200
  protected 'httpVersion' => string '1.1' (length=3)
  protected 'headers' => 
    array (size=7)
      'Server' => string 'nginx/1.4.7' (length=11)
      'Date' => string 'Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:20:07 GMT' (length=29)
      'Content-Type' => string 'text/html' (length=9)
      'Connection' => string 'keep-alive' (length=10)
      'X-Powered-By' => string 'PHP/5.5.19' (length=10)
      'X-Original-Transfer-Encoding' => string 'chunked' (length=7)
      'Content-Length' => int 1695
  protected 'parentMessage' => 
      protected 'type' => int 1
      protected 'body' => 
      protected 'requestMethod' => string 'GET' (length=3)
      protected 'requestUrl' => string 'http://localhost/battleturnrest/work.GetTop50.php' (length=49)
      protected 'responseStatus' => string '' (length=0)
      protected 'responseCode' => int 0
      protected 'httpVersion' => string '1.1' (length=3)
      protected 'headers' => 
        array (size=0)
      protected 'parentMessage' => null
      protected 'options' => null
  protected 'transferInfo' => 
      public 'effective_url' => string 'http://localhost/battleturnrest/work.GetTop50.php' (length=49)
      public 'response_code' => int 200
      public 'total_time' => float 0.01084
      public 'namelookup_time' => float 0.000913
      public 'connect_time' => float 0.001345
      public 'pretransfer_time' => float 0.002432
      public 'size_upload' => float 0
      public 'size_download' => float 1695
      public 'speed_download' => float 156365
      public 'speed_upload' => float 0
      public 'header_size' => int 180
      public 'request_size' => int 135
      public 'ssl_verifyresult' => int 0
      public 'filetime' => int -1
      public 'content_length_download' => float -1
      public 'content_length_upload' => float 0
      public 'starttransfer_time' => float 0.010685
      public 'content_type' => string 'text/html' (length=9)
      public 'redirect_time' => float 0
      public 'redirect_count' => int 0
      public 'connect_code' => int 0
      public 'httpauth_avail' => int 0
      public 'proxyauth_avail' => int 0
      public 'os_errno' => int 111
      public 'num_connects' => int 1
      public 'ssl_engines' => 
        array (size=0)
      public 'cookies' => 
        array (size=0)
      public 'redirect_url' => string '' (length=0)
      public 'primary_ip' => string '' (length=9)
      public 'appconnect_time' => float 0
      public 'condition_unmet' => int 0
      public 'primary_port' => int 80
      public 'local_ip' => string '' (length=9)
      public 'local_port' => int 45915
      public 'curlcode' => int 0
      public 'error' => string '' (length=0)

This is exactly the same call-request scenario. 这是完全相同的呼叫请求方案。 The main.php calls answer.php , and it answers with json. main.php调用answer.php ,并使用json进行回答。

answer.php answer.php

    // the json header
    header('Content-Type: application/json');
    // parameter "value" from URL http://.../answer.php?value=bar
    $value = $_REQUEST["value"];
    // returns exactly [{'foo':'bar'}]
    echo(json_encode(array(array("foo" => $value))));

main.php main.php

    $bar = "bar";
    $url = "http://.../answer.php?value=" . $bar;
    $arr = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));

The most important thing is main.php executes line by line and you can not send two or more calls to the answer.php in the same moment. 最重要的是main.php逐行执行,您不能同时发送两个或多个对answer.php调用。

But if: 但是如果:

main.php main.php

// the crucial difference: asynchronous calls to the answer.php 
class Ask_For_Value extends Thread {

    public function __construct($value, $func){
        $this->val = $value;
        $this->func = $func;    

    function start(){
        $arr = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://.../answer.php?value=" . $this->val));
        call_user_func($this->func, $arr);
        return(0);// boolean "OK"

// function to process the result
function do_some_thihg_with_the_result(&$array){...}

// prepare the threads
$call1 = new Ask_For_Value("bar_1", "do_some_thihg_with_the_result");
$call2 = new Ask_For_Value("bar_2", "do_some_thihg_with_the_result");
$call3 = new Ask_For_Value("bar_3", "do_some_thihg_with_the_result");

// start the threads

// there is nothing happens, because the threads
// will continue execution asynchronous and 
// independent in the "function do_some_thihg_with_the_result()" 


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