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如何在 Windows 上的大型文本文件中搜索和提取包含特定字符串的行?

[英]How can I search and extract lines which contain a specific string in a large text file on Windows?

I have a large text file (3MB over 50,000 lines) and I would wish to perform a filter on it.我有一个大文本文件(3MB 超过 50,000 行),我希望对其执行过滤器。

I see that it's quite possible to do on a Linux machine, but I don't know how to go about filtering it on windows.我看到在 Linux 机器上很有可能做到,但我不知道如何在 Windows 上过滤它。

I would like every line that includes a specified string (eg cake ) to be copied into a new text file - simple as that.我希望包含指定字符串(例如cake )的每一行都被复制到一个新的文本文件中——就这么简单。 I just have no idea.我只是不知道。

Thanks :)谢谢 :)

You might want to use the MS-DOS find command with redirection.您可能希望使用带有重定向的 MS-DOS find命令。 For example:例如:

find "cake" yourfile.txt > output.txt

You'll have to execute the line in the directory where your large text file is located.您必须在大文本文件所在的目录中执行该行。

Source: http://ss64.com/nt/find.html来源: http : //ss64.com/nt/find.html

C# with Visual Studio. C# 与 Visual Studio。

c# search string in txt file c#在txt文件中搜索字符串

int counter = 0;
string current;
string[] cakeLines;

System.IO.StreamReader file = new System.IO.StreamReader("c:\\test.txt");
System.IO.StreamReader file2 = new System.IO.StreamReader("c:\\test2.txt");
while((current = file.ReadLine()) != null)
    if ( current.Contains("cake") )
        cakeLines[counter] = current;




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