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当我尝试编译此C ++程序时,它给了我一个错误

[英]When I try to compile this C++ program, it gives me an error

This is a program in which someone inputs a password and gets three tries to guess the password. 这是一个程序,其中有人输入密码,然后尝试进行三次猜测。 When I compile it, I get multiple errors, one of which includes line 13, where it basically says that it cannot find a similar function included in the Password_Program class. 当我编译它时,我遇到多个错误,其中一个错误包括第13行,该错误基本上说找不到在Password_Program类中包含的类似函数。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Password_Program
     string password;
     void login();
     string passAttempt;

     cin >> password;
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          cin >> passAttempt;
          if (passAttempt == password)
               cout << "Success!" << endl;
          else if (i >= 3) { cout << "Try again later" << endl;
          break; }
          else { cout << "Sorry, try again" << endl; }

int main() {
     Password_Program myPassword;
     return 0;

Your definition of the login() method is missing a return type. 您对login()方法的定义缺少返回类型。 It should be: 它应该是:

void Password_Program::login()

You've also forgotten brackets when calling it: 在调用它时,您也忘记了括号:


You forgot the return type in the definition of Password_Program::login() . 您忘记了Password_Program::login()定义中的返回类型。

Change 更改

Password_Program::login() {....}


void Password_Program::login() {....}

2 things are there 有2件东西

  1. You did not added the void when defining the class function login outside the class. 在类之外定义类函数登录时,没有添加空值
  2. Second that when you are calling login function you are missing () 其次,当您调用登录功能时,您会丢失()

Here is the right code. 这是正确的代码。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Password_Program
     string password;
     void login();
     string passAttempt;

     cin >> password;
void Password_Program::login()
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          cin >> passAttempt;
          if (passAttempt == password)
               cout << "Success!" << endl;
          else if (i >= 3) { cout << "Try again later" << endl;
          break; }
          else { cout << "Sorry, try again" << endl; }

int main() {
     Password_Program myPassword;
     return 0;


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