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[英]How to correctly use ProcessCmdKey in a calculator windows form application?

I'm trying to build a normal calculator in C# Windows Form Application. 我正在尝试在C#Windows窗体应用程序中构建普通计算器。 I want that when I press any numpad key the number will display in the Textbox, like happens in any standard calculator. 我希望当我按下任意数字键时,数字将显示在文本框中,就像在任何标准计算器中一样。

So from researching I get this can be done by overriding ProcessCmdKey and changing KeyPreview property of Form to true . 因此,通过研究,我可以通过重写ProcessCmdKey并将Form的KeyPreview属性更改为true来完成此操作。

But the problem is : When I entirely work with numpad the calculator works fine. 但是问题是:当我完全使用数字键盘时,计算器可以正常工作。 But when I combine mouse-clicking any number button and then try to again use numpad-keys the number doesn't show up in TextBox. 但是当我组合鼠标单击任意数字按钮,然后尝试再次使用数字键盘时,数字不会显示在TextBox中。

I have a generic on-click method for number button (it will fire for 0-9 all button click) 我有一个通用的数字按钮点击方法(它将触发0-9所有按钮点击)

private void number_button_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Button button = (Button)sender;
    textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + "" + button.Text;

Add method (like wise method for subtraction, division, multiplication) 加法(类似于减法,除法,乘法的明智方法)

private void buttonPlusClk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    sign = "+";
    operandOne = double.Parse(textBox1.Text);
    textBox1.Text = "";

For Form 申请表格

this.KeyPreview = true;

The overridden ProcessCmdKey method 重写的ProcessCmdKey方法

protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
    if (keyData == (Keys.NumPad0 |
        Keys.NumPad1 |
        Keys.NumPad2 |
        Keys.NumPad3 |
        Keys.NumPad4 |
        Keys.NumPad5 |
        Keys.NumPad6 |
        Keys.NumPad7 |
        Keys.NumPad8 |

        // also not sure about the KeyEventArgs(keyData)... is it ok?
        number_button_Click(keyData, new KeyEventArgs(keyData));
        return true;

    else if(keyData == (Keys.Add))
        buttonPlusClk_Click(keyData, new KeyEventArgs(keyData));
        return true;
    // ... and the if conditions for other operators
    return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);

Ask me if you want any other code to see. 问我是否要查看其他代码。

For future reference get the SSCCE from GitHub and to recreate the problem do this 为了将来参考, GitHub获取SSCCE并重新创建问题,请执行此操作

  1. Press 2 from keyboard numpad 从键盘数字键盘按2
  2. Click + 点击+
  3. Press 1 from keyboard numpad (You will not see 1 coming in textbox) 从键盘数字键盘按1 (您不会在文本框中看到1)
  4. Click equals 点击等于

Try this in your key handling function. 在您的密钥处理功能中尝试此操作。 XOR'ing numbers is incorrect when they are not used as flags. 不用作标志的XOR'ing数字不正确。
Also, calling the event handler from this function would result in an error because the first arg is not a button. 同样,从该函数调用事件处理程序也会导致错误,因为第一个arg不是按钮。

        protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
            int intKey = (int)keyData;
            if (intKey >= 96 && intKey <= 105) // 96 = 0, 97 = 1, ..., 105 = 9
                textBox1.Text = textBox1.Text + (intKey - 96).ToString();
                return true;

            // ... and the if conditions for other operators
            return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);

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