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从C#应用程序将文件发送到Symantec AV扫描引擎

[英]Send files to Symantec AV Scan Engine from a C# Application

We need to scan files as they are being uploaded using the Symantec AV Scan Engine from our .Net Application, which supports ICAP 我们需要在支持ICAP的 .Net应用程序中使用Symantec AV扫描引擎上载文件时对其进行扫描。
Any pointers on how to go about this would be very helpful. 关于如何做到这一点的任何指示都将非常有帮助。

The SCAN Engine SDK which is bundled with the scan engine download has a decent wrapper for icap in C, Java and C#. 与扫描引擎下载包捆绑在一起的SCAN Engine SDK在C,Java和C#中为icap提供了一个不错的包装器。 Kind regards. 亲切的问候。

Typically the ICAP endpoint is supported in enterprise class deployments but not the $39 stuff you purchase at Best Buy. 通常,ICAP端点在企业级部署中受支持,但在百思买购买的价格为39美元的东西不受支持。 What is your scenario of deployment? 您的部署方案是什么?

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