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[英]Updating a knockout observable after an async ajax call using ko.mapping.fromJS

I have a simple use case. 我有一个简单的用例。 I need to call a WS asynchronously and show the returned JSON on the UI. 我需要异步调用WS,并在UI上显示返回的JSON。 The JSON that I get back is an object with multiple properties. 我得到的JSON是具有多个属性的对象。 For simplicity, the code below only has one property. 为简单起见,下面的代码仅具有一个属性。 Since I have multiple properties, I am using ko.mapping.fromJS to map the JSON to the object properties. 由于我具有多个属性,因此我使用ko.mapping.fromJS将JSON映射到对象属性。 It all seems to work, except the fetched data doesn't update on the UI. 似乎一切正常,除了获取的数据不会在UI上更新。 If I manually update the observable, it works. 如果我手动更新可观察对象,则它可以工作。 But not when using ko.mapping.fromJS. 但是在使用ko.mapping.fromJS时不行。

Javascript 使用Javascript

function AppViewModel() {
var self = this;
self.firstName = ko.observable("Bert");

    dataType: 'json',
    async: true,
    type: 'POST',
    url: '/echo/json/',
    data: {
        json: '{"firstName":"Bob1"}'
}).done(function(data) {

    //self.firstName(data.firstName);//This works
    self = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); //This doesn't

}).fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
    alert('there was an error');

// Activates knockout.js
var avm = new AppViewModel();


<p>First name: <strong data-bind="text: firstName"></strong></p>

You can run the jsfiddle. 您可以运行jsfiddle。 You will see that this line works 您会看到这行有效

self.firstName(data.firstName);//This works

and this line doesn't work 这行不起作用

self = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); //This doesn't

http://jsfiddle.net/texag93/fakdf5Lw/53/ http://jsfiddle.net/texag93/fakdf5Lw/53/

Two things: 1) You need to create your initial view model with ko.mapping.fromJS , and 2) you need to pass your existing view model as a second parameter to fromJS when updating it. 两件事:1)您需要使用ko.mapping.fromJS创建初始视图模型,以及2)更新时将现有视图模型作为第二个参数传递给fromJS

So something like this instead: 所以像这样:

// Activates knockout.js
var avm = ko.mapping.fromJS({firstName: 'Bert'});

    dataType: 'json',
    async: true,
    type: 'POST',
    url: '/echo/json/',
    data: {
        json: '{"firstName":"Bob1"}'
}).done(function(data) {

    ko.mapping.fromJS(data, avm);

}).fail(function(jqxhr, textStatus, error) {
    alert('there was an error');

Updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/fakdf5Lw/56/ 更新的小提琴: http : //jsfiddle.net/fakdf5Lw/56/

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