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[英]angularJs Radio button not visible?

Hi I'm creating an angularJs App. 嗨,我正在创建一个angularJs应用。 The forms work fine but the radio buttons won't appear. 表格工作正常,但单选按钮不会出现。 All I can see the labels but not the actual buttons. 我只能看到标签,但看不到实际的按钮。 I've followed instructions online but it seems to be hidden. 我已按照在线说明进行操作,但似乎已隐藏。 I'm trying to create a set of 6 radio buttons where the user has to choose only one button. 我正在尝试创建一组6个单选按钮,用户只需选择一个按钮即可。

my plunker 我的朋克

The below is one of the form partials. 以下是部分形式之一。

Thanks 谢谢

  <div class="form-wrapper">
    <p>Choose a fund</p>


To help you decide which fund is right for you, we've provided a summary of each below.
 Simply click on the magnifying glass to view the individual fund details.
 You can also compare all funds in this risk category using the fund comparison button at the bottom.
 When you've reviewed your options and have made your choice, click 'select'.
  <!-- <form class="form-horizontal" role="form">-->
     <!-- <div class=" form-group">-->
       <!-- <div class="col-sm-6">-->
         <!-- <div class="form-group">-->

    <label for="pearRadio">SEI Balanced Fund</label>
    <input id="pearRadio" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="pear" /><br />

    <label for="peachRadio">7IM AAP Balanced Acc Strategy</label>
    <input id="peachRadio" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="peach" /><br />

    <label for="apricotRadio">Close Balanced Portfolio Fund Accumulation</label>
    <input id="apricotRadio" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="apricot" /><br />
    <label for="pearRadio">Allianz RiskMaster Moderate</label>
    <input id="pearRadio" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="pear" /><br />

    <label for="peachRadio">Schroder MM Diversity Balanced Fund Accumulation</label>
    <input id="peachRadio" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="peach" /><br />

    <label for="apricotRadio">Goldman Sachs Dynamic</label>
    <input id="apricotRadio" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="apricot" /><br />
    <br />

    <strong>Selected Fund:</strong> {{fruitValue}}

      <button class="btn btn-primary"
  1. First of all, do not repeat values if you want that a user choose only one radio button. 首先,如果希望用户仅选择一个单选按钮,则不要重复值。

  2. Check the .form-wrapper class css properties, maybe input opacity is 0 or display none... 检查.form-wrapper类的CSS属性,也许输入的不透明度为0或不显示任何信息...

  3. I made a demo based on your code and works fine: 我根据您的代码制作了一个演示 ,效果很好:

     <input id="pearRadio1" type="radio" ng-model="fruitValue" value="pear1" /> 

    I made some changes on the values. 我对值进行了一些更改。

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/ba80g13e/ 演示: http : //jsfiddle.net/ba80g13e/

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