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[英]Using Symfony2, how to get ajax post data from the request?

I want to upload a file with jquery-file-upload (blueimp) with some data in cross domain. 我想使用跨域的某些数据上传带有jquery-file-upload(blueimp)的文件。

So in client side I use the code from basic.html file from jqueryfileupload. 因此,在客户端,我使用来自jqueryfileupload的basic.html文件中的代码。 I just added forceIframeTransport for cross domain (doc here )& formData (for format type doc here ). 我刚刚为跨域( 在此处 doc)和formData(对于doc 此处的格式类型)添加了forceIframeTransport。

var idResp = {name:'id-resp',value: SLjQuery('#media_answer_answer').data('id-resp')};
var dataSup = $('form#answer_process_form').serializeArray();

$(function () {
    'use strict';
        url: "mywebsite.dev/app_dev.php/api/media/questionnaire-test-media/uploads",
        dataType: 'json',
        formData: dataSup,
        forceIframeTransport: true,
        done: function (e, data) {
            console.log('upload ok ', data);
        progressall: function (e, data) {
    }).prop('disabled', !$.support.fileInput)
      .parent().addClass($.support.fileInput ? undefined : 'disabled')

When I select a file by the input, into the console, the log of progressall is to 1. So it seems to be sending. 当我通过输入选择文件时,进入控制台时,progressall的日志为1。因此它似乎正在发送。 Moreover I can see in the network tab in the console the request sent 此外,我可以在控制台的“网络”选项卡中看到发送的请求

//in request headers
Content-Length: 43463
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryvU5EBWuRkyGkSRBS
//in request payload
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="media_answer[_token]"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="id-resp"

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="media_answer[answer]"; filename="file-to-upload.jpg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg


//in response headers
X-ChromeLogger-Data: eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiNC4wIiwiY29sdW1.... // I think this is the file in base64

Now in server side, I use FosRestBundle for routing. 现在在服务器端,我使用FosRestBundle进行路由。 In my symfony controller I want to get the data and the file. 在我的symfony控制器中,我想获取数据和文件。

//result of request
POST /app_dev.php/api/media/questionnaire-test-media/uploads  HTTP/1.1 
Accept:          text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8 
Content-Length:  43463 
Content-Type:    multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryBqSBpxJ6Wyvi2QJH 

So content-length is 43463 so I think there is something, but in the controller $request->getContent() is empty and $request->request->all() too. 所以content-length是43463,所以我认为有些东西,但是在控制器$request->getContent()为空,而$request->request->all()也是如此。

Do you know if data are sended ? 您是否知道是否发送了数据? if yes, how to get data present in payload ? 如果是,如何获取有效载荷中的数据? thanks a lot and happy new year 非常感谢,新年快乐

Finally, the logger of symfony doesn't show me anything on $request->request->all() , but in preview tab in console I could see some var_dump on $request->request->all() and it wasn't empty (I want to swear myself), it contains the 2 first data of request payload (content-disposition form-data), but not the last one (Content-Type: image/jpeg). 最后,symfony的记录器在$request->request->all()上没有显示任何内容,但是在控制台的预览选项卡中,我可以在$request->request->all()上看到一些var_dump,而不是t空(我想发誓),它包含请求有效负载的前两个数据(内容处置形式数据),但不包含最后两个数据(内容类型:image / jpeg)。

I had to change the 2nd data to become 我不得不更改第二个数据成为

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="media_answer[idResp]"


Then in the controller I can get the data like this : 然后在控制器中,我可以得到像这样的数据:

$r = $request->request->all(); // or using $request->getContent() it's also possible in a different way
$rt = $r['media_answer']['_token']; // e6583ea5230f1f80a218825ed399115925556f0c
$ri = $r['media_answer']['id-resp']; // 420

For the last data : name="media_answer[answer]" filename="file-to-upload.jpg" As I said in the comments above I can get the file like this : 对于最后一个数据: name="media_answer[answer]" filename="file-to-upload.jpg"正如我在上面的评论中所说,我可以得到如下文件:

$request->files->get('media_answer[answer]', array(), true)

So for the filename : 因此,对于文件名:

$request->files->get('media_answer[answer]', array(), true)->getClientOriginalName()

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