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[英]Groovy: Accessing properties in Parent class

This has to be something really easy, but am pretty new to Grails & Groovy. 这一定很容易,但是对于Grails&Groovy来说是很新的东西。 I am writing a Grails application in version 2.4.3. 我正在用2.4.3版编写Grails应用程序。

There's a class called UserInfo 有一个叫做UserInfo的类

class UserInfo extends UserDetails {

    String userID = ""

    static constraints = {
        userID blank:false

Now the UserDetails class: 现在,UserDetails类:

class UserDetails {

        String userName = ""
        String userType = ""  // 'Admin' or 'Guest' or 'IT' or 'Supervisor'
       //Lot more Informations
        static constraints = {
            userName blank:false
            userType blank:false

And now in another controller class i want to get the User Type information. 现在在另一个控制器类中,我想获取用户类型信息。

def getUserData = {

def type = []
int count = 0

UserInfo.each {
            type [i] = it.userType; // Error: No such property: operator for class: UserInfo

The goal here is to get list of UserTypes ('Admin' or 'Guest' or 'IT' or 'Supervisor') and the total numbers of each user type. 这里的目标是获取用户类型(“管理员”或“来宾”或“ IT”或“主管”)的列表以及每种用户类型的总数。

For eg, Admin = 230, Guest = 120, ......... 例如,管理员= 230,访客= 120,.........

The code above doesn't do that and in fact gives an error. 上面的代码不执行该操作,实际上会产生错误。 I want to use the data above and plot a X - Y Graph. 我想使用上面的数据并绘制X-Y图。

Ideally i should have the data in a def in an array model as shown below. 理想情况下,我应该在数组模型的def中包含数据,如下所示。

def type = []

type << [totalNum: new Integer("230"), userType: 'Admin']
type << [totalNum: new Integer("120"), userType: 'Guest']

Once i have populated all the data into a def , then i could use Google Visualization to draw the graph easily. 一旦将所有数据填充到def中 ,便可以使用Google Visualization轻松绘制图形。

As of now i still don't know how to extract the data from each instance of UserInfo class and then get it to a def . 到目前为止,我仍然不知道如何从UserInfo类的每个实例中提取数据,然后将其转换为def

Appreciate your help! 感谢您的帮助!


UserInfo.list().each {...}

I don't think it's possible with the syntax you're using. 我认为使用的语法是不可能的。 UserInfo.each refers to a colosure over static members of the UserInfo class. UserInfo.each指的是对UserInfo类的静态成员的描述。 However if you want to enumerate things, this can be done with the following syntax. 但是,如果您想枚举事物,可以使用以下语法来完成。

    class UserInfo {

        enum UserType {
            Admin, Guest, IT


Enumerating over these then becomes 列举这些然后变成

    def getUserData = {
        def types = []
        def count = 0
        UserInfo.UserType.each { 
            types << it

However, in grails, with your original class, you're just missing a findAll() or list() call for a domain object. 但是,在grails中,对于您的原始类,您只是缺少对域对象的findAll()list()调用。 This however will produce duplicates if you have more than one of each user type. 但是,如果每种用户类型均具有多个,则会产生重复项。

    def getUserData = {
        def types = []
        def count = 0
        UserInfo.findAll().each{ UserInfo it -> 
            types << it.userType

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