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[英]How to change color of row in datagridview c#

I have this part of code, but not working.. 我有这部分代码,但无法正常工作。

       foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dg1.Rows)
            var now = DateTime.Now.Day;
            var expirationDate = DateTime.Parse(row.Cells[2].Value.ToString()).Day;

            if (now == expirationDate)
                row.DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; 

Not good idea to compare classes/structs like that(with == operator) 比较像这样的类/结构(用==运算符)不是一个好主意

try using 尝试使用

if(DateTime.Compare(now, expirationDate) == 0)

Your problem is not the comparison you're performing (as others are referring), but it would be better to compare Date using DateTime.Compare method. 您的问题不是正在执行的比较(正如其他人所指),但是使用DateTime.Compare方法比较Date会更好。

The problem is you're not checking for NewRow . 问题是您不检查NewRow It causes exception when you try to read an empty Row . 当您尝试读取空Row时,它将导致异常。

foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dg1.Rows)
    if (!row.IsNewRow)
        //your code

Have you tried replacing foreach with for ? 您是否尝试将foreach替换for

for (int i = 0; i < dg1.Rows.Length; i++)
        var now = DateTime.Now.Day;
        var expirationDate = DateTime.Parse(dg1.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString()).Day;

        if (now == expirationDate)
            dg1.Rows[i].DefaultCellStyle.BackColor = Color.Red; 

The collection used in foreach is immutable. foreach使用的集合是不可变的。

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