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[英]Parallel for loop with specific number of threads

What is the best way, how to implement parallel for loop with a specified number of threads? 最佳方法是什么,如何用指定数量的线程实现并行for循环? Like this: 像这样:

int maxThreads=5;
int curretnThreads=0;

for(int i = 0; i < 10000; i++){


      start thread...... 



I would first create a ForkJoinPool with a fixed number of threads: 我首先创建一个具有固定线程数的ForkJoinPool

final ForkJoinPool forkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool(numThreads);

Now simply execute a parallel stream operation in a task: 现在,只需在任务中执行并行流操作:

forkJoinPool.submit(() -> {
    IntStream.range(0, 10_000)
            .forEach(i -> {
                //do stuff

Obviously this example simply translates your code literally. 显然,此示例只是按字面意义翻译您的代码。 I would recommend that you use the Stream API to its fullest rather than just loop [0, 10,000) . 我建议您充分利用Stream API,而不仅仅是循环[0, 10,000)

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